Enter the contest to rename Starbucks Blonde and you can win a trip to anywhere in Canada plus everyone gets a free tall Blonde Roast. It uses the coupon.com printer, so make sure you enter from a computer with a printer
Click here to enter and get your free cup of coffee
The coupon has a short expiry (a facebook user reported it ending tomorrow)
Void in Quebec!
Yep expires tomorrow! I guess I will be stopping on my way to work in the morning and getting coffee tomorrow since the expiry is so short!
Thanks for this! I managed to print out 2 coupons!
Not really sure why FallenPixels got credit for this post. I posted it.
I wish I knew it expires in 24 hours! I would have print it this weekend instead!
Wonder why they’re having a name-change contest. Blonde is the only roast name offered by Starbucks that makes sense.
I didn’t get a coupon at all??
Go back to the contest page, it will have a download link
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