If you are registered with GlutenFreeCoupons.ca and receive their mailings of coupons, be sure to check your email for this offer! I am sure most of you have heard about the coveted tear pad coupon for $5 off select Flamingo chicken products. Unfortunately that coupon seems to be fairly scarce. Luckily, if you are subscribed to GlutenFreeCoupons.ca, you can request a coupon for $3 off Flamingo coupons, by mail, if you have received the email they have sent out.
Your coupon will be sent to the address that is on file once you click to request your coupon, so if your address has changed, be sure to update your address in your account prior to requesting your coupon. Once you have claimed the offer, you will receive the coupon in the mail within 10 to 15 business days. The coupon can be redeemed at Real Canadian Superstore, Zehrs, Independent, and Loblaws stores in Ontario.
Click here to sign up with GlutenFreeCoupons.ca.
Thanks for posting I skipped over the email and would have missed it!