Groupon Canada Daily Deal: $10 For One Admission To The Toronto Zoo


Only 25 hours left to buy. For only $10 receive one admission to the Toronto Zoo!

  • Expires Mar 4, 2012
  • Limit 1 per person, may buy 10 additional as gifts. (this means you buy one and “gift” to the rest of your family, up to 10 people)
  • Valid for all ages. Not valid 12/26/11 or 2/20/12.
  • Not valid for events outside regular Zoo hours.
    • More than 5,000 animals
    • More than 10 km of trails
    • Penguins, gorillas, polar bears
    • Exhibits open year-round

    (Under Toronto)

    7 responses to “Groupon Canada Daily Deal: $10 For One Admission To The Toronto Zoo”

    1. Skippy says:

      Thanks Sally for this great deal.
      Although it is only good in the “off season”, it is a great time to go as
      you have a better chance of seeing the animals awake, rather than snoozing
      There are also no crowds and you won’t perish under sweltering temperatures.

    2. Twinmommy says:

      How quick does this Groupon get emailed to you? We are going Sunday. If we ordered it today, would we receive the Groupon by then?

    3. phil says:

      I don’t know about it not being crowded they have sold almost 20,000 so far and still 12 hours to go.

    4. Sally says:

      20k spaced out until March is nothing.

    5. Sally says:

      Twinmommy, it will be sitting in your account under my groupons. All you have to do is print and go on Sunday 🙂

    6. Pam says:

      Hello Sally:

      I’m hoping you can help, I am new to the site in fact I’m not sure how they came to be on my computer but I get notification of deals every day. Its all good however I have trouble navigating and could not find the Toronto Zoo deal even selecting the link and some how deleted the Stratford Festival 40% deal. I’m not even sure the Stratford one was yours but I see your name a lot telling about deals. Can you help me find those two links again? Thanks

    7. Sally says:

      On the right hand side of this page there is a search feature. If you type in a few key words it will find your posts.

      There is the Stratford Festival deal 🙂

      Have a great weekend.


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