Groupon Canada is having a two day promo code offer where you can save an extra 20% off locals deals including Things to Do, Spas, Restaurants, and much more! Use the promo code SUMMER20 at checkout to get this limited time offer. Keep in mind that this deal is valid until tomorrow, August 24, 2016.
For example, you can purchase Two, Four, or Six Man-Hours of Housecleaning from Mrs. Clean Maid Services! Who says spring cleaning can’t be “summer cleaning”? Get ready for the fall season with a full-on house cleaning! The prices listed below include the 20% discount.
- Early Bird Pricing (limited quantities available): $92 for six man-hours of housecleaning ($200 value)
- $36 for two man-hours of housecleaning ($70 Value)
- $68 for four man-hours of housecleaning ($140 value)
- $95.20 for six man-hours of housecleaning ($200 value)
Click here to browse Groupon Canada.