Happy St Patricks Day Canada



Happy St. Pattys Day Canada!

 Any plans?  I’ve never gone out for St. Patricks day so I haven’t experienced green beer, or what green beer hangovers are made of. I’m ok with that.

9 responses to “Happy St Patricks Day Canada”

  1. Eric says:

    I’ve never gone out for St Patrick’s Day since I’ve either had no money, or was working. This year – it’s both.

  2. Sandra S. says:

    I like to cook an Irish meal..since the grocer was out of corned beef this morning, I am going to be trying something new today..thanks to Fallen Pixels, I am making Dublin Coddle..

  3. T.M. says:

    Not Irish, so it’s just another day to me.

  4. Jen says:

    Every year my husband and I have a green beer at home, just add food colouring and I make green milk for the kids. It’s just fun ~ the kids look forward to it and so do we.
    And we are English/Scottish/Welsh, not Irish. But today, everyone is Irish! Top ‘o the mornin’ to ya!!

  5. Lisa says:

    The darn leprechauns turned my daughter’s milk green 😉

    Not Irish but we do celebrate the Saint today..I’ve planned a green meal..spinach gnocci and spinach flatbread pizza 🙂

  6. Zay says:

    I wear something green. Not sure if that counts but it is fun!

  7. Natalka says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day – like Lisa, we’re not Irish, but it’s a Feast Day on the church calendar which we celebrate.

    Used to drink green beer with pals when I was at university, but it’s been decades since I had any, LOL!

  8. Lulu says:

    I used to always get a Shamrock shake at McD’s when I was a kid, last year I said to some of the girls at work “Let’s go get a Shamrock shake” and they all looked at me like I was crazy (age difference I guess) but guess what…They’re Back!!! yahoo!

  9. andra says:

    I am half Irish as my mother was Irish, but had never tasted green beer until we moved to Canada. I drank a pint of the stuff and it tasted fine. then when I went to the washroom I got the scare of my life. It was green and of course I had forgotten by then that I had had green beer lol !!! Never again.
    I did wear green today and had a little gold in my pocket (Werther’s candy), I also had a couple of shamrock stickers on my face at work for the day, it was fun. Never had a shamrock shake -but it sounds good, what’s in it really?


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