Thanks Hatley for sponsoring Friday’s contest! If you didn’t win Hatley currently has a deal and coupon code for 20% off Pre-fall stock. Use coupon code SAVE20 at checkout to get your 20% discount. This coupon is only valid through the end of the day.
Click here to visit Hatley and get 20% discount
Here is the video of today’s winners. The winners are:
- 277 meee
- 615 VICKS
Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your prize.
YAY to the winners!
Love Hatley! Congrats to the winners.
Lucky people, nice stuff…way to go!
congrats winners 🙂
Congrats to the winners!
Has anyone received their prizes yet, or are they not being sent out until after the contest period is over?