Hatley Clothing Coupon Codes & Contest Winners


Thanks Hatley for sponsoring Friday’s contest! If you didn’t win Hatley currently has a deal and coupon code for 20% off Pre-fall stock. Use coupon code SAVE20 at checkout to get your 20% discount. This coupon is only valid through the end of the day.

Click here to visit Hatley and get 20% discount

Here is the video of today’s winners. The winners are:

  • 277 meee
  • 615 VICKS

Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your prize.

6 responses to “Hatley Clothing Coupon Codes & Contest Winners”

  1. Sharpie says:


  2. Natalka says:

    YAY to the winners!

  3. Catherine says:

    Love Hatley! Congrats to the winners.

  4. Deb says:

    Lucky people, nice stuff…way to go!

  5. flower_child_23 says:

    congrats winners 🙂

  6. Kelly says:

    Congrats to the winners!

    Has anyone received their prizes yet, or are they not being sent out until after the contest period is over?


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