HBC Rewards: 35000 HBC Points With These Printable Coupons


No, this is not a repost from the previous offer. These coupons have a different barcode than the ones released earlier this month. Again, there is no minimum purchase stated and is limited to one identical offer per account. These also expires on Feb. 28, 2011. I’m loving these bonus coupons, they definitely make it easier to reach 80000 points for the $10 gift card.

Click here to print the 25K coupon.

Click here to print the 10K coupon.

Big thanks to manzervite and couponlady for sharing these fab coupons!

9 responses to “HBC Rewards: 35000 HBC Points With These Printable Coupons”

  1. kimmie says:

    Thanks!!! Great offer…… =)

  2. christinabay says:

    ahhh where can I find the other printables??

  3. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    christinabay – The ones that were released last week are here: http://smartcanucks.ca/hbc-rewards-earn-up-to-35000-points-using-these-printable-coupons/

  4. diane king says:

    thanks for all these coupons. really appreciated.

  5. TallNFunny says:

    I have a feeling they are going to cancel their program soon handing all these points out(Target?). Beware : I redeemed coupons of this sort last time and they wouldn’t scan so they wrote the information down on a leger and I still have not been credited with these points…

  6. Sandra says:

    Hi: Is it possible toi run off the same two coupons and reuse for even more points?

  7. redrock says:

    TallNFunny -same with me…wrote in book. It didn’t feel right, so i went home and printed same off again, went back to different cashier and it worked…LOL Need all the point I can get.

  8. Tina says:

    Looking for HBC rewards coupon for 2013!!


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