Heinz Canada Recall: Sweet Potato and Beef Medley and Chicken with Broth Baby Food

Announcements, Other / Canada


Heinz Canada has issued a recall on a brand of its baby food from the markets this morning due to concerns about possible spoilage. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued a recall warning on the Heinz Sweet Potato and Beef Medley baby food due to a “potential loss of seal” which could leave the product open to spoiling. No illnesses have been reported so far, but if you have this stocked up in your pantry, you are being advised not to eat it.


Earlier this month, Heinz Canada also issued a recall on Heinz Chicken with Broth baby food sold in 100 ml containers due to similar concerns about the seals. The affected Chicken with Broth jars carry best before dates of Sept. 26, 2016, and Dec. 12, 2016. As with the Sweet Potato and Beef Medley flavour, you are advised not to eat it if you have an affected jar in your home.

Click here to read more details about this Heinz Canada recall.

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