H&M Canada Buy 1 Polo Get 1 Free: 2 Polos for $12.50

Polos Canada H&M

This is a great deal from H&M Canada. Buy any 1 polo and get the second for free. The Polos are also currently on sale so you end up getting 2 Polos for $12.50 which is so cheap you might as well do like the guy in the picture above :p

This deal is at all H&M stores in Canada. That being said, if you live in Toronto it is very unlikely there will be many sizes left. I suggest you give your local H&M store a call to find out what sizes they have left before going all the way there.

Also note that H&M polos SHRINK like crazy so get at least one size larger than you want. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Click here for H&M Canada Store Locations in Canada

4 responses to “H&M Canada Buy 1 Polo Get 1 Free: 2 Polos for $12.50”

  1. yumeko says:

    is this just today?

  2. Sally says:

    Hahaha that picture cracked me up.

  3. Grocery Deal Hunter says:

    That picture was so funny! I emailed this post to my friend who used to wear their polos like that.,

  4. Nik says:

    that dude is total douche…LOL… popped collar!


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