This weekend only (Aug 13-14) Home Depot stores are offering up to $150 off low flow toilets.
Why go low flow? According to the Home Depot website, toilets use up to 30% of the total household water consumption. High efficiency low flow toilets use up to 60% LESS water than standard ones. This could have a significant impact on your water costs.
Click here for all the details and be sure to click along the right hand side to see which rebate you are eligible for in your city.
Perfect timing. I need to re place our old toilet that’s probably been here since the house was built in the 70’s!!!
Every municipality *but* our own. Way to go Sturgeon County.
Not in Ottawa neither “thatgengirl”.
Not that we need poo and water rebates since the city dumps our crap in the river every time it rains.
don’t buy one of these! I don’t care how cheap they are! ours is constantly clogged and we’re always plunging! There isn’t enough water to flush everything down and we can only use a certain type of toilet paper.
@miss jolie- not every toilet is the same. we’ve had low flow toilets in our last 3 houses and never had a problem. I like that it saves so much water.
We’ve had our for two years now and it works like a charm – we use two ply toilet paper and are on a septic system.
@bytown – I agree – Ottawa’s idea to cancel the rebate was one of the dumbest decisions a perennially dumb city council has made. That said, when the program was here, it was awesome. I bought $100 toilets (2 of ’em), got $75/ea back from the city and $60/ea back from the ecoEnergy program… And I got the water savings 🙂
We have 2 low flow toilets and they work fine. I got mine at Costco when they were on sale $100 and our city has the $100 rebate, so 2 toilets were free 🙂
Lowes also has a toilet sale.
You probably bought the store brand. There are alot of junk toilets unfortunely.
The cadet 3 and kohler have some of the best reviews.
i have the kohler wellworth 4.8l and its amazing how it flushes everything.
Costco has low flow toilets too starting at 87$. Be sure to check out the MaP score for them. The costco ones are 1000g (the amount of solid waste that can be flushed down), I believe that’s the highest score.
Before you start “saving” water, you should answer two questions:
1. Save for what?
2. Save for whom?
I’d much rather buy a Double Flow Toilet if they had still been in production. I don’t use my toilet to save water. I use my toilet to dispose of my crap – once and for all. And I want to do it the most comfortable way my money can buy.
All you environment freaks who want the government to force us back into the cave, I suggest you save water by taking dumps on your own backyard, or – if you don’t have one – on your democratically elected representative’s backyard.
Sounds like Unomyname needs a colonic! Something is stuck up his culo.
if you live in a rural area that uses a well –consider if the water pressure is enough to have your waste go into your septic system–our plummer insisted on installing this type of toilet–‘it caused many problems with our septic system–so he thought it was defective–replaced it with similair model –same problem– the manufacturer does state that water pressure is important! Do your homework before any installation–don’t always beleive your plummer!