Home Depot: Energizer Advanced Lithium AA Battery 4pk $2.46 / Max 6pk $1.66


Home Depot have an amazing deal on packs of 4 Energizer Advanced Lithium AA batteries.  You can pick up a pack at select Home Depot stores for only $2.46.  Considering Dollarama sells cheaper ones that barely last a day in high use electronics for $2, this is an amazing deal.

Other Energizer deals include

  • Energizer Advanced Lithium AA Battery – 2 Pack $1.66
  • Energizer Advanced Lithium AAA Battery – 2 Pack $1.66
  • Energizer Max AA Battery – 6 Pack $1.66
  • Energizer 12-Pack Energizer Max AA Batteries $1.86
  • Energizer Value Charger w/ 2 AA’s $4.86

Pick some up now and keep them for all of those electronics and toys that need batteries on Christmas Day when stores know you need them and sell them at full price.

Click here to check stock at your local Home Depot but we recommend calling ahead as prices can vary by store.

Also, click here to get all The Home Depot Canada online offers.

3 responses to “Home Depot: Energizer Advanced Lithium AA Battery 4pk $2.46 / Max 6pk $1.66”

  1. Chris says:

    I was able to pay online for in-store pickup – will update if that fails.

  2. janet says:

    I went to my local home Depot after looking up to see if they had any in stock online (30) but when I got there there were none in display nor was there any indication that they had any (no signs indicating the special price) and the cashier told me they didn’t have anyone buying them sooooo yeah

  3. Gord says:

    Same as Janet, went there because they “had 11”, was sent to three separate isles by three separate associates. Nada, an hour later? Removed from the web page. Nice.


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