*HOT* Canadian Coupons: P&G Brandsaver $115 Coupon Booklet


P&G is wowing us again with another fantastic Brandsaver coupon booklet worth $115 in savings!! You can order them on the website and they will be printed and mailed to your home address for such brands as:

  • Tide
  • Bounce
  • Pampers
  • Cover Girl
  • Olay
  • Tampax/Always
  • Crest
  • Febreze
  • Bounty
  • Venus
  • Duracell

and so many more!

Click here to order online

Also keep an eye out in your local paper this weekend for another coupon insert.

thanks to EuropeanPenguin for this coupon find!

***Edit: We have confirmed with P&G that there was a site error and they are working to correct it. The site should be up and running SOON***

155 responses to “*HOT* Canadian Coupons: P&G Brandsaver $115 Coupon Booklet”

  1. Ceecee says:

    Not up yet?

  2. itsjustmebub says:

    guess not! should be very soon though i hope!

  3. Cmoody8107 says:

    8am – still not up yet

  4. CCG says:

    not up at this point 8:14am 🙁 ..

  5. Heather says:

    i better not miss this one again!

  6. Tammy Mick says:

    I’m so afraid to miss it. How long does it stay up? It’s like Christmas morning….LOL

  7. Marketing Guy says:

    Is it not up, or is it actually all claimed already?

  8. Rebecca Schell says:

    all claimed 🙁

  9. rico says:

    show’s over boys! nutin to see here…Rico….over

  10. Ams says:

    If it wasnt open at 12:00am EST and wasnt open at 6amEST, I dont think they are all claimed….when would this have happened?

  11. sharp1 says:

    It clearly says check back January 6, 2010. The all claimed part is from the last time it was offered.

    Keep checking everyone.

  12. wifegriz says:

    Just on, it says come back on Jan 6, 2010 – well guess what? that is today, they are not all gone yet, we just have to be patient. Probably up at 9 a.m.

  13. Ams says:

    well not at 9am…. =(
    this is gonna be a day that I waste a lot of time at the computer i think!

  14. CK says:

    9am – Not up yet 🙁

  15. Tanner says:

    HURRY UP!!!! I do have to do some work today.

  16. sp says:

    still waiting…..

  17. Michelle says:

    Could they be possibly waiting for the western provinces to wake up?

  18. itsjustmebub says:

    everyone relax this is not brandSAMPLER. you will not miss out!! just check back in later in the day! lol

  19. missbobloblaw says:

    YAY!!! I can’t wait! Thanks for the heads up!

  20. Emily says:

    I am so excited for this and have been looking forward to it for so long!

  21. CarlyinCanada says:

    I want my coupons, Waaaaaaaaaa! LOL Still not up yet! 1015am et!

  22. Laura says:

    What time is it now its not up at 7:36am PST time…

  23. yaaa says:

    You people need to calm down!!

  24. dealsniffer says:

    still not up yet! I want those coupons! lol

  25. kate says:


  26. dealsniffer says:

    lol still not up yet! I wish it would because I should really get going on stuff and the thing is once I get going on other stuff I may forget to check back! lol

  27. amycanada77 says:

    almost 11:30 and nadda

  28. rico says:

    ajnigo bingo lama lika pingo…..maammamamma….nada…..come pg coupons…brandsaver..ladalalalala…..

    my song

  29. saraL says:

    11:45 et, not up yet. i wonder if it will be up before i have to go to work this afternoon?

  30. freeplease says:

    I’m so excited!

  31. Lynn says:

    12:12 still not up… (hmmmm)…

  32. marie says:

    just there…12:10 says check back Jan 6th….its now…nadda

  33. spunkiest69 says:

    🙁 where is it!!!! lol getting eager!!!!!

  34. maybe says:

    Weird that the site is up and running yet. Hope it is soon.

  35. Cmoody8107 says:

    They just think it fun to make everyone wait!

  36. nmcgrath says:

    Wow, I didn’t really know there would be so much hype for this, glad I have the day to wait for it….do they disappear just as quickly as they become available?

  37. Eeyah says:

    No they are not limited qty’s like the sampler packs. The coupons are similar to the Save.ca site.

  38. Cmoody8107 says:

    No need to worry – these coupons are still available days after they appear! I am more anxious to see what they are this time around!

  39. Deb says:

    1:14pm Ontario time… still not up??
    Anyone else having this issue?

  40. Christa says:

    Hmm anyone else think its curious that it says
    “come back jan 6th to sign up”

    I wonder if it means that the site wont be up today but you have to be signed up starting today?

  41. Celine says:

    1:25pm in Ottawa ON and I’m really tired of coming back every 10 minutes to see if the site is up…. I’ll just come back tomorrow. Hopefuly it will be fixed by then…

  42. harrlett says:

    ok i called their 800 number and they customer service rep is sending me out the coupons…..they are single coupons for all their brandsaver products…..they dont know when the site will open….they say they will report it to their marketing division…..


  43. rico says:

    they said their marketing dept called in sick 🙁

  44. Kathleen says:


  45. Jennie says:

    What the whole dept is SICK, OH MY???

  46. harrlett says:

    dont ask for marketing dept….that is just the dept that runs the coupons to go online….just ask the customer service person that picks up that you want the coupons……

  47. nmcgrath says:

    I emailed them and asked them to send them, hope they aren’t feeling too awefully lazy today:S

  48. Manon says:

    I also called them, and asked directly to the cus. rep. but they transferred me to a promotions department and would not send me the coupons. They said i had to wait for the web site to run on its own. I guess i will just wait.

  49. SUNSHINE7388 says:

    I just checked and it is telling that unfortunately due to the overwelming all current brandsavers have been requested and that the offer was only available for a limited time. Has anyone else seen this message?

  50. marie says:

    I aslo get the same message. Here in Ontario just checked at 1:54 and nothing yet…:(

  51. danielzmom says:

    quote (just checked and it is telling that unfortunately due to the overwelming all current brandsavers have been requested and that the offer was only available for a limited time. Has anyone else seen this message?)

    it is an old message..continue reading>>>> but don’t worry…we will be offering….etc

  52. coupon girl says:

    just spoke to a p&G rep and they told me have patience the site is not working , it will be up and running whenever they fix it.

  53. Anne says:

    I called the 1-800 number given in an earlier posting (1-800-668-0197) and spoke with a young man by the name of Tyler in their customer service. I explained that I was on the site looking for the brand saver coupons which were to be available today. He put me on hold for a moment, and then came back to say that there was a problem with the site. He had reported it to their IT department, and would like to send me some coupons to make up for the inconvenience. I gave him my info and he said that the coupons would arrive in two to three weeks. He told me that they were working on the problem with the site and to check back. He did not give me a time frame of when they expected the site to be fixed.

  54. Annie says:

    Hi, I called the 1800 number listed above and talked to a lovely gentleman who took my mailing information and said they would mail the coupons out.

  55. kriscat says:

    i just had a talk 2:27 pm with their representative and he said you have to wait till they fix it.

  56. Laura says:

    I bet ya they won the lottery so they all called in sick lol….or that they actually are sick and we are just going to wait like good little boys and girls until come into work to clear all up.

    BrandSaver is supposedly different from BrandSampler…

    BrandSampler comes out for everyone in SPRING 2010 which is free samples hence the name Brand”Sampler”.

    BrandSaver is coupons that suddosely came out today but there appears to a few glitches for example people are sick because they are human not superhuman so we all gonna have to wait. Check back tomorrow is my guess!

  57. Melody says:

    I spoke to Tyler as well, he said to keep checking back and it would be fixed soon. But no coupons for me, lucky guys who got them!

  58. cola says:

    he said, don’t call please and coupons wont be available till March. Oh well.

  59. dealsniffer says:

    What??? MARCH? stupid Brandsaver! they promise January and then they don’t come till March? ugh that is bad.

  60. cola says:

    yeah theyre being inundated with calls, please stop. this will make it worse.

  61. RobynCD says:

    Grumble Grumble Grumble

  62. gomo2010 says:

    Well if it’s March they should change their website to reflect the change. Looking at the other posts, it seems the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing at P&G.

  63. itsjustmebub says:

    please see the UPDATE ON THE BLOG

    Edit #2: We have confirmed with P&G that there was a site error and they are working to correct it. The site should be up and running by TOMORROW, January 7th

  64. Lisa Pineo says:

    I just checked again and a pop up comes up saying to check back tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be ready in the morning.

  65. julyprincess says:

    Still not up…

  66. Heather says:

    It said to come back tomorrow and it’s still not up!!

  67. Celine says:

    WOW, this is kind of frustrating…

  68. Annemarie says:

    This is the e-mail I received in response to the site not working.

    Thanks for contacting P&G brandSAVER.

    We’re sorry fo the confusion about the current brandsaver.ca website. The brandsaver.ca website has the wrong release date on it. I believe the date was supposed to be January 11, but I’ve sent a report over to the webmaster for the site to double check. Thanks for giving us the heads up! We hope you will check back on the site at a later time.

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    P&G brandSAVER Team

  69. stuffedpandapuppet says:

    The thread is too full of non-Brandsaver conversation…anywho it’s not available yet as of the 7th, what Annemarie posted from the email response makes sense. We will all just have to wait until it comes in the mail =(

  70. Super Mel says:

    Still no go 🙁 My sister in law got her P&G insert with her flyers last night thou 🙂 Looks like a good one!

  71. sha says:

    Still not up but I will keep checking

  72. itsjustmebub says:

    however long it takes they are free coupons so patience people!

  73. laurac86 says:

    I got mine in the flyers today, here’s what is in it:

    Save $3 when you buy any 2 Clairol Hair Colour Products
    Save $1 When you buy any 1 Clairol Hair Colour Product
    Save $3 when you buy any 2 covergirl products
    Save $1 when you buy any 1 covergirl product
    Save $0.50 on any Herbal Essence Shamppo, Conditioner, or Styling Product
    Save $1.50 when you buy any Olay Classic Moisturizer PLUS any 1 Olay facial cleanser
    Save $0.50 when you buy any Olay 4 Bar
    Save $0.75 when you buy any 1 Head and Shoulders Product
    Save $2.00 when you buy any Head and Shoulders Shampoo and Conditioner
    Save $1 When you buy any Secret Flawless Antiperspirant/deodorant
    Save $2 when you buy and Venus Embrace Razor
    Save $1 when you buy 1 Satin Care Product
    Save $1.50 when you buy 1 Venus Spa Breeze OR Tropical disposable razors
    Save $1 When you buy 1 Always Infinity (min 14 count)
    Save $2.50 When you buy 1 Always Infinity (28-36 count)
    Save $2 when you buy any combination of 2 Always or Tampax products
    Save $1 on any Tampax Pearl or Compact Pearl (min 18 count)
    Save $2.50 on any Tampax Pearl or Compact Pearl (36-40 count)
    Save $0.60 on any Duracell Batteries
    Save $1 on any 1 Old Spice product
    Save $3 when you buy any Old Spice Deodorant AND any Old Spice Body Wash
    Save $5 when you buy any 3 Gillette Products
    Buy a Fusion Razor or 8 refill cartridges and get a Gillette Body wash, hair care or Fusion shave gel for FREE
    Save $1 on 1 Febreze Fabric Refresher
    Save $0.50 on 1 Febreze Air Effects
    Save $3 when you buy 1 Febreze Noticables Starter Kit
    Save $2 when you buy 1 Febreze candles
    Save $5 when you buy 1 Febreze Luminaries Starter Kit
    Save $2 one 1 Febreze Soy-Blend Candle
    Save $2 on 1 Febreze Scented Reed Diffuser
    Save $0.50 on any 1 Bounty Product
    Save $0.50 on 1 Charmin Product
    Save $0.50 on 1 Puffs ultra soft and strong
    save $1.25 when you buy any 2 Bounty, Charmin or Puffs
    Save $2 on 1 Pampers Baby Dry swaddlers or cruisers
    Save $3 on 1 Papmers Easy Ups
    Save $3 on 1 Papmers UnderJams
    Save $1 on 1 Papmers Wipes
    Save $1 on 1 Crest Pro Health Rinse
    Save $0.50 on any Crest toothpaste (some exceptions)
    Save $7 on 1 Oral-B Vitality Precision Clean Brush
    Save $1 on 1 Oral-B crossaction toothbrush
    Save $7 on 1 Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal or Pro Effects
    Save $0.50 on 1 Tide Stain release product
    Save $0.50 on 1 Tide to go product
    save $0.50 on any tide laundry detergent
    Save $0.50 on any Ultra Downy fabric softener
    Save $0.50 on any Bounce dryer bar
    Save $1.50 when you buy any Vicks DayQuil Mucus control product
    Save $1.50 when you buy any Vicks DayQuil Sinus or NyQuil Sinus product
    Save $1.50 when you buy any Vicks Custom Care Product
    Save $2 when you buy any 2 Vicks Products (excludes throat drops)
    Save $1.50 when you buy any Cascade Action Pacs
    Save $0.50 when you buy any Cascade Product
    Save $1 when you buy any 2 Magic Eraser packagaes
    Save $0.50 off any Mr. Clean Spray when you buy a Mr Clean Liquid
    Save $0.50 when you buy any 1 Fixodent Adhesive cream or powder
    Save $1.50 when you buy any 2 Fixodent Adhesive creams or powders
    Save $1 on any Swiffer sweeper dry refills
    Save $1 on any Swiffer Sweeper Wet refills
    Save $1 on the prchase of Swiffer duster refills
    Save $1 on the purchase of any Swiffer WetJet refills
    Save $3 on any size Iams dry dog food
    Save $3 on any size Iams dry cat food
    Save $0.10 when you buy any size Iams cat or dog wet food
    Save $1 on any Pantene base shampoo, conditioner or styler
    Save $2.50 when you buy 2 Pantene base shampoos, conditioners or stylers
    Save $2 when you buy any Pantene Expressions or Restoratives champoo, conditioner or styler.

  74. Catherine L says:

    Thanks for posting Laurac86. I was really anxious waiting for the site to be fixed, but now that I see the coupons…. Not so excited any more. For some reason I thought they’d be better. I’m sure some people will get great use out of them. I just don’t happen to use but one or two of these products.

  75. marie says:

    I was just on…2:41 and this is what it says
    Thanks for visiting!

  76. marie says:

    It says we are still working on the new and improved site for you.Please check back tomorrow…so not working here in Ontario.

  77. Mumsy says:

    I called in yesterday, with the number provided in a post by Harlett (1-800-668-0197) and the gentleman said he will mail me the coupon booklet.
    I hope I get it.

  78. SnowWhiteFanatic says:

    Got mine in my copy of the newspaper last night

  79. Bob Sakamano says:


  80. ottawagurl20 says:

    the site is now working.. but when i select my coupons it sais i can only select 24 coupons at a time 🙁

  81. Justine says:

    not working yet for me.

  82. amycanada77 says:

    ya max 24 coupons – aw well they are decent enough 🙂

  83. Miss_April says:

    I just ordered my coupons!

  84. Christa says:

    It’s up and mine are ordered 🙂

  85. Insane says:

    Not working for me yet either.
    Although seeing the list, I won’t be rushing to get them.

  86. jackie says:

    Not working for me…

    Oh well, I don’t really use this stuff anyway.

  87. momoforever says:

    Loading is taking forever…everyone’s trying at the same time I guess

  88. momoforever says:

    Took half an hour but finally ordered coupons.

  89. Litesandsirens911 says:


  90. haneylaw says:

    Website crashed while I was confirming my address, now says coupons available March 8th. I have no idea if the order went through or not 🙁

  91. blueai says:

    i got 32 coupons (max)!

  92. saraL says:

    the site is leading me in circles. first is said i could pick 36 now it says only 32 and even when i logged in, it says i am not so when i click to log in it takes me back to the main page and i do the whole thing all over. argh.

  93. asmdrangon says:

    Just ordered mine. Every time I could chose 32 coupons, so did 3 times for total 69 coupons.

  94. CarlyinCanada says:

    Ok after waiting almost 2days! I sign up b/f at his addy & says max 32 coupons…but now when I go to enter it says confirm addy but will not let me hit submit! Grrrrrr!

    Anyone else having trouble!

    Also tried my account & my password wont work…so i hit forgot pw & says I’ll get an email in 48hr! WTG!!!!! This sucks!

  95. ryry says:

    Did they have samples?

  96. Erin says:

    No samples, just coupons.

  97. Rosa says:

    Finally working, but only 32 coupons at a time!

  98. mist_ynight says:

    the website is back up, I just signed up for my coupons

  99. 23edge says:

    I got a free razor, yes!

  100. Missy says:

    are they serious ! Save 10 cents on Iams wet cat or dog food. I can just imagine the cashiers face when I hand over that coupon…

    is anyone else insulted ?

  101. 23edge says:

    I mean a free shave gel

  102. Khristopher says:

    Got it, but kind of disappointed with the majority of the coupons. Not really worth your time even signing up to get them.

  103. coupon girl says:

    yeah got my coupons really so, froze too when i hit enter, had to go backand do it again

  104. cdnvballbelle says:

    when i picked confirm address once i had picked my 32 coupons.
    any suggestions

  105. Manon says:

    The web site is not working for me. Everytime i log in and select the coupons it brings me back to the main page and logs me out and vice versa. Does anyone have advice on how they got the coupons?

  106. terrarankin says:

    not impressed….

  107. stephanie says:

    not impressed either.. 😛

  108. Scottishgal says:

    Hi Having problems too. Lets me pick the coupons then puts me back to the main page saying please log in. Very frustrating. Maybe I will try in a few days as the system seems overloaded.

  109. freeplease says:

    It keeps saying that my login ID does not exsist… Forgot password says it will take 48 hrs.

  110. sweet1 says:

    website sucks

  111. Rose says:

    I ordered mine – 32 max…. the site was very slow. and the coupons weren’t that appealing either… I wish they would have some samples too.. 🙂

  112. shelly says:

    worked for me.

  113. shelly says:

    site didnt remember my password either. anyone else get that!!!!

  114. sweet1 says:

    i got that I guess the website had amnesia!

  115. Nev says:

    I selected “Forgot Password” and received the email in my inbox a few minutes later. I had to login a few time in order to get my coupons, but it eventually worked.

  116. Lynn says:

    Ya, the coupons aren’t that great. :\

  117. mcminsen says:

    A lot of work but MAYBE it will be worthwhile. It said max 32 coupons and still wouldn’t work for me until I got it down to 31 and then it finally went through (I think). Really wonky.

  118. Heather says:

    P&G never remembers my email address! I had to sign up again… very irritating!

  119. whatever75 says:

    well it worked for me… thanks for posting this and I can’t wait to get my 44.00 in savings especially right after christmas

  120. winkerstones says:

    It finally worked for me. Let me order 32 coupons and said something about “order more later” so I went back in again and ordered the rest that I wanted and it worked again. Wasted a lot of time yesterday and today but hopefully will be worth the effort.

  121. Tina says:

    Hi: Everything went smooth until I clicked get coupons then I found out its only 32 max. Why let the customer choose 45 or so if they can’t order them? Frustrated, I wrote P&G an e-mail to either change the number of coupons ordered per visit or let their customers know prior to ordering. I would’ve chosen the $5.00 coupons before the 10 cent coupon for dog food. A 2 minute selection took way too long. Maybe P&G should’ve asked the SCers what we would like!

  122. jennifer says:

    very slow, and the system did not remember my email. not impressed. They were not finctioning for a few days due to errors, they put it online and it still does not work properly. Someone in their IT should be fired

  123. Justine says:

    I don’t know what happened, I tried yesterday, everyone was saying it was up, but I couldn’t get on the site. And I look now and it says this
    ” Thanks for visiting!
    We’re still working on the new & improved coupon site for you.

    Please check back tomorrow.”

    Why was this site sooo busy this time around? I have never seen problems getting brandsaver coupons earlier.

    And 23edge, I don’t know if you kidding or what, this blog post was about the COUPONS, not the BRANDSAMPLER.

  124. julyprincess says:

    It’s working FINALLY..yippee!!

  125. Justine says:

    ^? 404 error when I try.

  126. leslie738 says:

    Same here. Error code!

  127. Sean says:

    working in Ont (8:43am)

  128. Flexi83 says:

    The website forgot my login and password too! My sister tried hers and same thing.

    Though my other sister signed up no problem since she was a new account.

    That stinks … old accounts don’t get good service at the new website? Great …

  129. Kristina says:

    crap Crap CRAP
    $2 off diapers? You can order that from save.ca all the time
    What happened to the $5 off Diapers and wipes?
    I finally talk to the store to save me Sundays extra papers and its crap!

  130. Steenibambini says:

    What’s up with the site?? It’s still screwy. Didn’t remember my email, had to create a new account, but it won’t even let me order my coupons. When I selected everything I wanted (only 28 coupons) it tells me I need to sign in, and then when I sign in again I try to click on “get my coupons” but then it tells me I need to sign in…..grrrr!!! I may have to contact them so I can actually get mine!

  131. Momand2kidz says:

    Frustrating right? Same thing is happening to me. Don’t forget to use you $20.00 mail in rebate form found on this site. It will double your coupons for you, if you can ever get them. :0(

  132. abfab says:

    i had to reregister. the site no longer had my account info. coupon max was 32.

  133. Celine says:

    Not sure if mine worked, so will have to see… I registered and every time it tols me there was an error, but after 4 times and 4 different e-mail address, I saw on the uper right corner my name…weird. so I went to select my coupons and tried to rigister to get them and nothing happened, it just takes me back to my profile… so not sure if it means that I’mm get the coupons or not… not liking this website to much.

  134. sha says:

    Went through all the work of signing up again but it would not let me claim my coupons.

  135. sha says:

    Finally I got:Thank you for using P&G brandsaver
    Your coupon order below has been received and will be processed the next business day.

  136. djbout says:

    Like other posters the site did not remember me so had to re-register. I had heard about the 32 only from previous posters so I picked 32 and claimed them no problem (there are 69 total if I counted right). I went back and picked another 32,then again, the last 5 and had no problem claiming more coupons(one each only though). The site was a bit slow but I waited until 11pm pacific time so I think that helped. Now I just hope that I get them in time to take advantage of the Loblaws/RCSS doubling deal 🙂

  137. buffyphile says:

    Can’t get on it. It worked for me until I was on the last on the last page of re-registering the site crashed and now can’t get on it at all.

  138. couponmom says:

    Coupons as inserts in the newspaper. I got my freebie paper and NO COUPON insert except for Red Plum! So I called good old P & G phone # on the Dawn bottle and she told me there was no coupons in the Papers! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH P & G!!!!!! Their brandsaver site is also confusing for me and many others!!!!

  139. Stephanie says:

    Looks like it is up now!

  140. Ricko says:

    5:10PM eastern. Worked for me and seems like the site is running normally.

  141. saraL says:

    yeah, it’s still not working for me. it’s still taking me in a loop of not being logged in, then going back to the main page every time i log in. i used two different emails because some people said that helped but it didn’t work for me. i think i’m just going to give up on this.

  142. 7mountains says:

    saral… I think that is P&G’s intention, confuse the masses just so they give up. I am not amused and haven’t been able to “break the code” either!

  143. krista says:

    I just tried, they said they are all out of stock on all the coupons that i picked!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrr

  144. hadathickwallet says:

    Man, my flyer delivery people suck..it’s Saturday night and we still haven’t gotten our sales flyers yet!! 🙁

  145. WebsiteSucks says:

    The website is really buggy, I tried signing up, & was finishing but it said there’s something wrong with the registration. I click on the link again to sign up, it said email already registered. I tried retrieving password, and in the email the spot for password is blank. You would have think the bugs would have been worked out by now.

  146. ila says:

    Are these coupons good in the US too or just Canada?

  147. Erin says:

    I just tried to register and the part where you enter your postal code wasn’t working properly. I had an account but it didn’t remember me as well.

  148. gomo2010 says:

    If you have auto form fill, turn that off. I get the same thing from time to time and if You turn auto fill off, then when you enter it manually it will take. Don’t try to manually enter it while auto fill is on or it will revert back to the wrong coding

  149. Emma says:

    I signed up for this on Thursday last week, but they haven’t sent me my coupons yet!!

  150. Elisssabetta says:

    I have a question Re P&G…

    I can’t get the coupon book…..so i went to the next section to click on coupons so that they can send them to me…but nothing happens….when i click claim my coupons…it brings me to a blank summary page. I have written to P&G to let them know…last week….and i am still having trouble…anyone else experiencing the same???????????

  151. Beth says:

    When i click Claim my coupons, it also brings me to a blank summary page! When i refresh it, it just brings me back to the other page ??
    This sucks 🙁

  152. Elisssabetta says:

    the P&G site finally fixed the glitch..we can all get coupons now

  153. Catherine L says:

    Finally received the coupons today, but lo and behold they are outdated. What a waste of postage.

  154. Jenn says:

    I was just able to place a coupon order so I think it’s working!

  155. Jayme says:

    Hi, im not sure if anyone checks this now but im wondering when the next coupon booklet comes out, is it April 1? I would love to get it but am not sure where or how. J


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