*HOT* P&G Brandsaver Canada offers $120 in coupons starting now!


Exciting news! P&G is once again offering $120 in coupons just click here to choose which ones you’ll use and they will be mailed directly to you!

With so many great brands to choose from there’s sure to be something just for you!


Thanks Who’s Driving Me? for posting this in the Canadian Coupons Forum

20 responses to “*HOT* P&G Brandsaver Canada offers $120 in coupons starting now!”

  1. hadacareer says:

    hmm, I couldn’t get it, it said starting september 12?

  2. itsjustmebub says:

    try again sorry i had the wrong link

  3. Nettie says:

    Same thing it said for me, Sept 12

  4. itsjustmebub says:

    try again now. link is fixed! 🙂

  5. hadacareer says:

    oh, coupons! thanks!

  6. Nettie says:

    It worked that time. THANKS!

  7. Sandiecoop1 says:

    Awesome post……Had the same problem as others in beginning, but kept checking back and hooray you fixed the link. I got some real good ones coming. Thanks a bunch.

  8. JSAM_s Mom says:

    I picked ’em all and bring the ones I don’t need/use to work. All the girls do that, and we end up savings ourselves piles of money each month!

  9. ElsaLAbbe says:


  10. Momo says:


  11. declan's mom says:

    thanks! i picked my coupons!!

  12. loveadeal says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the reminder that it’s that time again:)

  13. Melanie says:

    Thanks for the post!! They have some good ones on there again!!

  14. supermum says:

    Coupons! Yeah! Thanks!!

  15. night_star says:


  16. The_Scarecrow says:

    These are good coupons, looks like possible free products as well ie: $5 of Gillette product

  17. lyssa says:


  18. denise says:

    thanks for the link. I ordered some coupons

  19. bon62 says:

    link doesn’t work..it just goes to the products..NO place to get coupons and no freebies until October..sorry!


  20. mcminsen says:

    link worked for me… my coupons are on their way! Thanks! 🙂


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