Shop the Hunter Boots Canada Boxing Week Sale and save 30% on regular priced items. To get this discount, enter the promo code BOXING at checkout. This offer is valid for a limited time. You can also get a free pair of socks with the purchase of select Original Tall Boots. Here are some the the prices once the promo code is applied:
- Women’s City Explorer Tall Boot $330 ($231 with 30% off code)
- Recycled 6 Stitch Cable Tall Boot S $60 ($42 with 30% off code)
- Mini Compack Umbrella $50 ($35 with 30% off code)
- Recycled Mini Cable Tall Boot Sock $60 ($42 with 30% off code)
- Women’s Play Tall Insulated Boot $170 ($119 with 30% off code)
- Women’s Original Tall Wide Boot $210 ($147 with 30% off code)
- Women’s Original Tall Back Adjustable Boot $220 ($154 with 30% off code)
- Women’s Play Short Boot $140 ($98 with 30% off code)
- Women’s Original Short Insulated Boot $205 ($143.50 with 30% off code)
- Women’s Original Chelsea Insulated Boot $200 ($140 with 30% off code)
Click here to save 30% on regular priced items for a limited time at Hunter Boots Canada.