IKEA Canada Midnight Madness 50% off Sale Friday Dec 11 8pm-12am


Ikea is having their super fun midnight madness sale this Friday, December 11th from 8pm – 12am

There will be 50% off certain items, you just won’t know which until you get there! I think they may also vary by city.

In any case if you want to take your chances with the crowd then go because it’s a blast! 🙂

Click here to find your nearest IKEA store

Thanks to sleepingsublime for this info

5 responses to “IKEA Canada Midnight Madness 50% off Sale Friday Dec 11 8pm-12am”

  1. halley says:

    not in Quebec 🙁

  2. Scott says:

    You can view at least some of the deals by using the link above and choosing your store, then clicking on Great Deals at Ikea, then under Midnight Madness choose “Details and deals” to open up the hourly specials in a pdf.

    For example, Ikea Burlington: http://www.ikea.com/ms/en_CA/img/pdf/040_midnight.pdf

  3. Scott says:

    Edit: This only works for some stores

  4. anna says:

    will there be other deals that are not posted on the pdf in the website? Seems the other stores in BC have better sales…

  5. saddle says:

    Hai! I really like the theme you’re using here. Is this custom coded or can you show me to the location where I can install it for my blog? (: thx Anita


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