Ikea Canada Wacky Wednesday Deals Aug 19

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Ikea Canada Wacky Wednesday Deals Aug 19


5 responses to “Ikea Canada Wacky Wednesday Deals Aug 19”

  1. abirdd says:

    Love IKEA Wacky Wednesday’s!
    They always post the upcoming details on the ikea.ca website – just look for your local store’s “great offers” page. Happy Shopping!!

  2. Jackie says:

    They are awesome deals, but you have to be literally the first one in the door to get there before stock runs out.

  3. Lynn says:

    I love the wacky Wednesdays! You can get some real awesome deals!!

  4. curls says:

    Love it! Mine actually is good for stock – at least when i’ve gone stock hasn’t been a problem

  5. mlongboat says:

    Burlington deals are never as good as the other stores. Maybe its cause they are so busy already that they dont need big doorcrashers to get the traffic in?


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