IKEA Canada’s flyer has photo of child reading a Mickey Spillane book!

Thanks to Ryan T for this very interesting information and photo scans!

I thought IKEA would actually learn from its embarrassing and controversial dog photo last year (click here if you don’t know what I’m talking about). But it seems like some of the pedophiles people working at IKEA thrive on controversy.

In IKEA’s latest “Suddenly it’s summer!” flyer, which just came out a couple of days ago, IKEA has a photo of a child reading a Mickey Spillane book. Most of Mickey Spillane’s books are only suitable for adults. His book titles include The Erection Set, Kiss Me Deadly, The Girl Hunters, etc. In general Spillane’s books contain high content of sex and violence; not exactly the type of content kids should be reading.

Here’s the photo of the boy reading a Mickey Spillane book in IKEA’s summer flyer. Thanks Ryan for the photo scans.
IKEA Canada

Zoomed in:

IKEA Canada

The boy is very clearly reading a Mickey Spillane book although I can’t figure out what the book title is. I did a search on Chapters.ca and Amazon but I couldn’t find this book cover. Any idea which of Mickey Spillane’s books this is?

You can also access this IKEA flyer on the IKEA Canada website although the resolution is low.

8 responses to “IKEA Canada’s flyer has photo of child reading a Mickey Spillane book!”

  1. Jay says:

    I don’t know which title it is either, but I figure there’s an insy tinsy chance that the graphic designer photoshoped it in, maybe even photoshoped the cover of the “book”. Who knows what the reasons are… maybe it was the only book on hand during the photo shoot?

    But yeah, either way, it’s very bizarre.

  2. Runa says:

    It seems an enough old book

  3. Ned says:

    Has anyone giving any thought as to why IKEA would make such mistakes, as some would judge it as a publishing mistake. Let me put it this way, IKEA is deliberately making these mistakes knowingly that this would catch the public’s eye. So when it comes down to it, the Marketing Dept. has hit the nail’s head straight on with a mallet cause eveyone is talking about this flyer. And some are even looking at this flyer, which in turn, will look at IKEA’s merchandises… leading them to go buy something at there stores.

    Bravo IKEA!



  4. Marcus says:

    I can’t see the title of the novel but I can safely say it’s one of those mass market paperbacks published in Sweden during 1980 by B. Wahlströms Bokförlag.

  5. Ed says:

    Ikea pretends to global good guy.
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