Indigo Chapters & Toys R Us Canada: Free Lego Make and Take Events May the 4th


In celebration of May the 4th, both Indigo Chapters and Toys R Us Canada will have Star Wars related events including a free Lego make and take.

Visit any Indigo Chapters location on Saturday, May the 4th at 1pm, where there will be a storytime followed by a Lego Star Wars make and take. You will get to create the Millenium Falcon as shown, and you can also get a free maze activity from the book Star Wars Mazes.

Toys R Us Canada also has activities for May the 4th, and if you have an Indigo and Toys R Us that are near each other you might be able to make it to both events. From 1-2pm at Toys R Us kids can participate in the Star Wars Academy event where they will get a personalized certificate to certify their Jedi Knight status, and from 2-3pm, kids can build a Lego Star Wars Nabo Starfigher.

Click here for events at Indigo Chapters Canada.

Click here for events at Toys R Us Canada. 

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