Enjoy 12 days of free downloads!
This holiday season, you and your friends can download free music, TV episodes, movies, apps and books from some of the biggest stars on iTunes.
Each free download will be available for 24 hours only (until midnight ET). Come back each day for a new gift!
Click here for this great freebie
Thanks Cheripou for using the suggest a deal form.
good! thanks
Give away for Dec 27 is a selection of TV pilots or a lovely french song. Anyone know what the giveaway was for Dec 26, sadly I missed it.
3rd Day (Dec 28) selection is Kelly Clarkson single & vid. Good song too!
@jon 1st Day (Dec 26) was 3 live songs & 3 vids of Coldplay in London.
cool thanks – i just got iTunes since I got an Ipod shuffle for Christmas. Still don’t know how it all works – but this gives me incentive to start figuring it out!
the promo is very misleading
On December 26th, the freebie was some Coldplay songs
Sorry FatB – noticed your answer while I pressed “submit”
as per the fineprint, you only get to keep the download for 24 hours
@joline no each deal is on 4 24 hrs
How is the promo misleading? I don’t understand…It’s pretty straight forward. Freebies courtesy of iTunes and sponsors.
@FatB I had to miss the best one 🙁
I can not figure out where to download the free offer – I get to the itunes store or to the download itunes page, but can not find the free offer. ???