Janes Foods Canada: Receive Coupons When You Sign Up For The Email Newsletter

Sign up for the Janes Foods Canada email newsletter, and you will have access to a coupon that you can print when  you receive the newsletter!

I actually just registered myself, so I’m not sure what the latest coupon is, but it seems to be $4 off any Janes product in the current newsletter. If you sign up today you will likely have to wait until next month to receive the newsletter, but you will be able to print whatever coupon is included with that edition.

To sign up, you can visit the Janes Foods website by clicking the link below. As you scroll down the page, there should be a pop-up asking you to register. I did have to try two different browsers in order to submit it successfully, so if you have an issue just try a new browser.

Click here to register for the Janes Foods Canada email newsletter. 

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