When you sign up to receive a $5 off coupon on a Full Repair styling product line from John Frieda, they’ll include a free sample of Full Repair Full Body Shampoo/Conditioner! Quantities are limited, so sign up soon.
Click here to start “styling away your damage”!
great, thanks for the post!
Just a quick note: you have to purchase a full size shampoo and conditioner to receive the $5 off the styling product. I received the coupon and samples in the mail awhile ago.
I don’t really care about the coupon, just send me the samples!!!
I had a sample awhile back and loved it!
okay, i love john frieda but my hair never looks like after. just sayin
awesome! thanks for posting!
I’ve gotten the sample pack twice now plus smaller pouch samples of the shampoo and conditioner. I don’t know if they are supposed to send it out multiple times but I’m not complaining. It makes my hair super soft.