Kellogg’s Canada: Buy Two Specially Marked Boxes And Get A Free Box Of Kellogg’s Cereal

Kellogg’s Canada has a new promotion that you may have already spotted while walking down the cereal aisle in the grocery store. Purchase two specially marked boxes of Kellogg’s cereal, and you will get a coupon for a free box!

Two begin, you must purchase two specially marked boxes in one single transaction, and this purchase must be made before the end date of the promotion, which is July the 16th, 2021. Your qualifying receipt must be submitted through the link below by July the 21st, 2021.

There is a limit of five free coupons per household, and your coupons will be mailed to you within 3-4 weeks of receipt verification. You should receive an email when your receipt has been verified, but I’m fairly certain that the last time they ran this promotion I never did get an such email, and that the coupons just showed up shortly after.

You will not find this promotion on all brands of Kellogg’s cereal, and in fact it actually appears on just three brands, which are Mini Wheats, Special K, and Vector.

Click here to start uploading your receipts. 

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