Kellogg’s Canada: Buy Two Specially Marked Boxes Of Kellogg’s Cereal And Get A Free Kellogg’s Snack

With your children currently at home all day they may be eating you out of house and home. Kellogg’s Canada has a new promotion that may help you out and save you a few dollars.

Currently, if you purchase two specially marked boxes of Kellogg’s cereal and upload your receipt following the instructions that you will find through the link below, you will get a free coupon by mail for a Kellogg’s snack 125g to 295g.

Both Kellogg’s cereal must be purchase on the same receipt on or before July the 17th, 2020. The last day to upload your receipt for validation is July the 31st, 2020. Once validated, you can select your free coupon while quantities last, and it should arrive by mail in three to five weeks. There is a limit of five coupon claims per household.

Click here to for details of this promotion from Kellogg’s Canada. 

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