Kinder Canada Coupon: Free Kinder Mini Eggs at Noon *LAST DAY*

Kinder Canada  is giv­ing away 750 coupons for free Kinder mini eggs everyday until Fri­day, Decem­ber 7 ‚2012.  If you miss the Kinder mini eggs coupon today, check again tomor­row at noon ET through fri­day, Decem­ber 7 and get the coupon & enjoy.

Click here to get the Kinder deal.

6 responses to “Kinder Canada Coupon: Free Kinder Mini Eggs at Noon *LAST DAY*”

  1. Trese says:

    I clicked on the tab several times, shared the link and still nothing. Not sure if it’s working or not. I did it as soon as it went live.

  2. Sandra5 says:

    They’re making people work hard for this, having to come back and make many attempts for this flash offer. If you have to work for something, it’s not free.

  3. A L says:

    so is it 12 noon or 1:30pm that I can get the coupon?

  4. vitabella says:

    oh i got one of these yesterday at the company xmas party santa picture but had to make donations – oh well 🙂

  5. 2jk19 says:

    It just worked for me! I tried when they first started the promo – nice that I got to get it on the last day!

  6. Mama Allie says:

    All over.


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