Kobo Canada: $1 Off Discount Coupon Code


Kobo has emailed me some great discont coupon codes

Get $1 Off select Kobo eBooks with code “Kobodollaroff” Click here

 What book are you currently reading? I’m between books, not sure which one I’ll read next.

10 responses to “Kobo Canada: $1 Off Discount Coupon Code”

  1. shishla says:

    What do you like to read? I’ll try anything, except chick lit 😉 lol though I do enjoy Janet Evanovich and her Stephanie Plum series. If you haven’t read the Hunger Games trilogy, I highly recommend it! And I dont recommend books easily. I read all 3 in as many days! I don’t have a Kobo (I have a Kindle) but I am going to share this great deal!! Thanks!

    oh and I am currently reading Game of Thrones. A long read, i’m on book 3 now, but so far has been worth it!

  2. Chantal says:

    Cool! I want to get Kim Harrison’s latest Kate Daniels book – Magic Slays!

    You should try Karen Marie Moning’s fever series. Excellent books!

  3. aussie says:

    woohoo!! thank you so much! I just bought myself a Kobo yesterday! so this will come in handy!

  4. Hikki_Passion says:

    Hey, I’m currently reading A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. I haven’t seen the HBO show yet, I wanted to finish the book first. I’m almost done, I pretty much read it non stop for two days, it is that good! I highly recommend it.

  5. Rachel says:

    Read Shadow of the Wind. Best book I’ve read in a long time. Its a Heather’s pick, which I usually trust. And “The Help” is very good too. I’m working on that now.

  6. Laura says:

    Tried using this coupon…tons of exclusions…very disappointing

  7. Jean McDowell says:

    was able to use this coupon once, tried to use a second time but was unable to.

  8. Mist_ynight says:

    I own a Kindle, but mom owns a kobo so thanks for posting. I’m reading Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. It’s a series about werewolves.

    shishla if you enjoyed The Hunger Games you might like The Maze Runner by James Dashner.

  9. Mary says:

    I am very disappointed with the promo codes that Kobo is putting out as a lot of the books don’t accept it. You also have to go looking for books that accept it and personally I don’t have the time or patience to review 3000+ books to find one that will accept a promo code. They should put a tab on their site that is “Promo code accepted” or something.

  10. shishla says:

    Thanks Mist_y! I remember a friend recommended Maze Runner to me back when i finished the Hunger Games and my other kindle got wet (thanks to my niece) so I lost all the books i had samples of (i use samples as a to read list… since then i’ve smartened up and use Goodreads as a back up! lol)


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