Lancome Canada: Free Gift With Purchase When You Spend $34 Or More at The Bay Online and In-store


The Bay has a really nice Lancome GWP when you spend $34 or more.  As you can tell by the picture the gift varies online and in-store.  The in-store is more customizable. Each gift is valued at over $124.  I’d really recommend going in-store if you can to customize your gift. Or if your like me and can’t stand some of the snooty makeup counter ladies you’ll just order it online.

Click here to check out this great Lancome offer.

11 responses to “Lancome Canada: Free Gift With Purchase When You Spend $34 Or More at The Bay Online and In-store”

  1. Amanda says:

    thanks for posting this! sucks how you can’t see the specific items being offered in-store on the bay’s website though !

  2. Jihae says:

    Even better.
    If you buy $75 or more, you get additional gifts. I got actual size body cream.
    Don’t forget to use HBC points coupon too.

  3. Jen says:

    I agree about the snooty counter ladies. I’ve gone in twice for free samples with a coupon and they treat you like you are scum. Who doesn’t want to test a perfume before they buy a whole bottle???

  4. chat says:

    Well they may be snooty but UNLESS you have been in their shoes you should not judge. They have $$ budgets to make and have to push sales or get fired so when all customers come in wanting freebies, of course they get snooty. You would too if your job was on the line.

  5. chat says:

    I agree with CHAT.

  6. chat says:

    Why is my comment awaitibg moderation?

  7. chat says:

    You should not judge the counter ladies until u have been in their shoes. More people need to work in Retail to know what we go thru with customers.

  8. nscouponchick says:

    I LOVE their doll lash mascara

  9. Sally says:

    Well Chat, when I’ve got 500$ in my pocket for makeup and the ladies (now note I said “some”) don’t have the time of day for me because their too busy texting and gossiping with each other I think I have the right to say something.

    And “Chat” did you seriously agree with yourself? Haha.

  10. PRECIOUS says:

    Hi! whats the code I should put? All I see online is the free lipstick which I dont really like. 🙁

  11. Sunni says:

    Not all Lancome Counter Beauty Advisors are snooty! Most actually LOVE their Lancome products and like me, GENUINELY want their clients to get the best product for them NOT the most expensive. Maybe you’re shopping at the wrong counter or store ;)I am sorry you’ve had a negative experience. Personally I don’t care if you have $5.00 in your pocket or $500.00…if you love Lancome and want to chat or try out some products I’m more than happy to help. It doesn’t help me at all to scare off clients by being uppity or by selling them the wrong products just to make money.

    I want all my clients to LOVE what they’ve purchased and come back time and time again. It’s all about trust and respect!

    Anyway, I hope you don’t settle for poor service EVER! Won’t ever change if you don’t complain to the right people (managers do listen and take notes where I work!)



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