Laura Secord Canada FREE chocolate bar with $20 purchase

If you sign up to the Laura Secord newsletter you will receive a coupon for a FREE Chocolate Bar when you spend $20 before taxes.


Chocolates are always a welcomed gift in my home, so if you feel like sending the free bar over my way I won’t complain 😉

Click here to sign up today

2 responses to “Laura Secord Canada FREE chocolate bar with $20 purchase”

  1. thecountess says:

    Thanks Bub!

  2. There are several advantages to shopping online, the first one being the ability to shop at a time that is convenient to you, not just when the shops are open. The second advantage of shopping online is that goods are often cheaper as the seller does not have the costs of running a shop and having to pay wages to salespeople, insurance and all of the other running costs of a real world business.


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