Free Kids Magazine

Hey mom and dad sign the kids up for a free LEGO club magazine! Free and valid for 2 years!

Click here to sign up

Magazines can only be mailed to addresses that are country or language-appropriate. Club membership is valid for 2 years and includes free copies of LEGO Club Magazine. Membership can be cancelled at any time. Please allow 4-6 weeks (US & Canada) for delivery of your first mailing. Offer void where taxed, restricted or prohibited by law. Offer limited to one free membership per person, group or organization.

5 responses to “ Free Kids Magazine”

  1. Nelly says:

    This is great, but beware, it’s quite the marketing ploy. I signed my 4-year-old son up for this and while he loves the magazine, he now he keeps wanting us to buy him all the stuff that is featured in it. Ghost train, vampire castle… Each of those is over $100 a pop! At least the werewolf is only $40 or so. 😀

  2. C says:

    I’ve signed my kids up for this twice and never received it…

  3. islandiep says:

    My 5 year old gets this magazine and its not a big magazine but he enjoys it for a short time, worth signing up for, I think I may have signed up twice before I started getting it, my son loves to get mail that it addressess only for him. 🙂

  4. Lauren says:

    It is basically a big advertisement with very little content, I was a bit disappointed and cancelled it. I knew it would be all lego, which is defacto advertising, but I wasn’t expecting blatant HUGE ads for the ENTIRE magazine…

  5. Lor says:

    My kids absolutely LOVE this magazine…and are thrilled to get mail addressed to them! I think it’s great! 🙂


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