Lenovo Canada: Employee Pricing For SPC Card Members

Valid now through til August 21,2012 Lenovo Canada is offering employee pricing on Lenovo PC’s, exclusive to SPC members, thats up to 25% in savings. If you need a new laptop for school or just need a new lap top check out the details of the sale click here


2 responses to “Lenovo Canada: Employee Pricing For SPC Card Members”

  1. bradeau says:

    I wouldn’t recommend Lenovo. IBM sold Lenovo years ago and since then, the quality of their products are outright awful. Their products are very delicate and not to mention that their screens can be easily cracked. The keys on the keyboards often break off too as well due to the cheap quality of the plastic and materials used to make them.

    The reason why IBM sold Lenovo was because they were losing money on the ThinkPad products. They were high in quality back then, but they were not able to justify the costs when they were losing money on them. Since then, the build quality of the laptops from Lenovo has gotten pretty bad. It’s pretty obvious that Lenovo does not care about the quality of the machine, just that they are able to make a profit off it.

    I’m astonished that Lenovo is still around.

  2. Kara says:

    My husband has been using Lenovo laptops for work for years and has never had a problem. He takes his laptop back and forth to work every day and also travels with it and has never broken anything. He uses his computer heavily for his job and it has always performed very well.

    I also bought a Lenovo laptop for personal use and I love it. Way better than the previous one I bought at Staples for more money that was supposed to be top of the line.


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