Leon’s Canada Freebie: Like Leon’s Facebook & Get a FREE Two-Pack Pillows

FREE Pillows From Leons

A great deal from Leon’s Canada! They need help to get 60,000 likes on their Facebook by Saturday, November 30, 2013 and they are going to GIVE AWAY a voucher for a FREE two-pack of Queen sized pillows (that’s a $39 value) to all of their fans.

The Leon’s voucher will be redeemable in-store from Friday, December 6 to Sunday, December 8, 2013.

Click here to get this  Leon’s Canada deal. Enjoy 🙂

10 responses to “Leon’s Canada Freebie: Like Leon’s Facebook & Get a FREE Two-Pack Pillows”

  1. Melspragg says:

    Where is the coupon?

  2. mickpalace says:

    Agreed i liked it but nothing ??????

  3. Andre Q says:

    I can’t tell if you are both trolling or something ?

    Let’s focus on the key words :

    get 60,000 likes
    by Saturday, November 30, 2013
    they are going to GIVE (FUTURE)

    In other words :

    When Leon get 60k like (if they do) you’ll get your free coupon (email ?? facebook message?? who knows..)

  4. Jas says:

    Most likely they won’t.. But if they do and all 60,000 get coupons they have to redeem it between December 6 – 8 and I’ll say they’ll be out of stock for these pillows within 10,000 redemptions.. Just saying..

  5. Boo Radley says:

    The coupon won’t be available till they hit 60,000 fans on Facebook and it won’t be redeemable till December 4 to 6.

  6. Mags says:

    Well, at the rate they’re going, they’ll reach 60,000 in no time. They have had over 5000 likes since they posted the message on their Facebook page 6 hours ago. And maybe they will run out – but they will eventually have to honour their commitment, or they will never recover from the bad press. Personally, I am choosing to be optimistic!

  7. honeybee. says:

    Thanks. I liked them. We’ll see if they reach 60k or not.

  8. TJ says:

    They are going to give vouchers to all their fans , so it might not be just 60,000 fans who like it ..if 80,000 fans like it by Nov 30 ..does it mean 80,000 fans get vouchers or just first 60,000 fans??

    Or are they going to stop the LIKES after 60,000 ?

    I definitely see a big fiasco coming just like the ZELLERS cpn ..I am sure they wil run out of the stock and start giving excuses when all the cpn redeemers will show up in DEC to get their free product 🙁
    Trust be knowing Leons and its crappy service , this will be a PR disaster !

  9. Kathryn says:

    I’m trying to redeem this Leon’s voucher but won’t send me anywhere to sighn up and get one I already liked Leon’s page 🙂

  10. Mismoly says:

    same here:((


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