Lindt Canada has just launched a brand new contest and they are giving away 20,000 free Lindt Excellence bars. You must first register and you will be given three tasks to complete. You could instantly win a free Lindt Excellence Bar with the the completion of each task. Completing all three tasks will enter you in the grand prize draw for the chance to win free Lindt chocolate for a year.
The third task requires a 12 digit UPC from a Lindt Excellence bar, so please feel free to share if you have one for others to use! The contest end on June 30th 2014. You can play every 24 hours. If you do not have a UPC you can still complete the first two tasks. I won on the first one which is simply selecting your favorite flavour.
Click here to enter the contest and good luck!
UPC code 037466014630
Thanks! 🙂
Didn’t win. 🙁 Oh well.
Oh no 🙁
Woo hoo! I won on the first question. Mmmmmm……free chocolate…. Mm
Didn’t win either, maybe tomorrow.