Bc residents, this is just for you! In the Province Newspaper there is a coupon for a free iced coffee at McDonalds expiry July 23rd! Now there are “web versions” floating around and I called up my cousin Cody to try and print the web version (that came from the web version of the paper) and they took it no problem. He’s sipping on it as we speak!
So you can either grab the coupon out of the paper or print the coupon below by clicking on it and enjoy a nice iced coffee on the house! (McDonald’s house) Enjoy!
Click and print!
Thanks Cody for checking out and confirming this for me 🙂
Great freebie except iced coffee is yucky! I prefer Iced CAPS.
Works. Small Iced coffee with lots of cream, yum.
Great freebie because iced coffee is delicious! 🙂
Awesome! Thanks! I think I’ll leave the my house a bit earlier to grab a free coffee now!! =)
(oops I didn’t finish) before work!
I just got one and it’s kind of gross….I wonder if it’s just because there isn’t enough sugar in it, but not very tasty.
I love the iced coffee, but I prefer real sugar to the liquid sweetener they use so I add it myself and just ask for it unsweetened. It makes a huge difference. I used to have the rolo flavor but they got rid of it…