Loblaws Chinese New Year Coupon Insert


Check your flyer bundles for this new coupon insert that seems to be sponsored by Loblaws, although only one of the coupons is a Coupon Zone coupon to be used at Loblaws banner stores only.  The insert includes the following coupons

  • $0.75 off Royale Velour 12 rolls or larger (expires April 31st)
  • $0.75 off Royale Tiger Towels 6 rolls or larger (expires April 31st)
  • $1 off Uncle Ben’s Rice products – excludes Fast & Fancy (expires March 31st)
  • $0.50 off Del Monte Nectar 960ml products (expires May 31st)
  • $1 off 12 pack canned Coke or Nestea products (expires February 28th) – valid at Loblaws banner stores only

Since April only has 30 days, you may have some issues with the Royale coupons. Full details for these coupons can be found here.

3 responses to “Loblaws Chinese New Year Coupon Insert”

  1. Lisa Wilson says:

    No Chinese fortune in Toronto or Etobicoke as no flyer insert. Love your web though and peruse it daily!

  2. Ciel says:

    Does T&T supermarket take the coupons as Loblaws owns it?
    Good to know about the targeted coupon insert. It’s not in the Ancaster bundles.

    • FallenPixels says:

      T&T is listed, but SDM is not. There are images showing the coupons at the above link. The pop one is the only Loblaws only coupon and has a full list of stores that will accept it on the coupon


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