L’oreal Canada: FREE Telescopic Explosion Mascara for the 1st 500


L’oreal is running a neat giveaway where you can win a FREE Telescopic Explosion mascara! Share your best beauty secret and you could be one of the 500 lucky beauties to receive the new Telescopic Explosion mascara.

Thanks to danielzmom for sharing this offer with us!

Click here to share your secret!

22 responses to “L’oreal Canada: FREE Telescopic Explosion Mascara for the 1st 500”

  1. lotus-star says:

    I’m getting the error too…I’ll keep trying. Thanks!

  2. Justine says:

    if anyone gets it to work, please post. I did enter a similar thing that was posted in the contests section of the forum, not sure if it was the same thing.

  3. amycanada77 says:

    We apologize for any inconvenience. The requested page is currently unavailable. You will be automatically redirected to the homepage.


  4. kristin says:

    also receiving the error 🙁

  5. Romana says:

    doesn’t work for me too:( I was so excited

  6. Litesandsirens911 says:

    ***If you click on the French (francais) button at the very bottom right and put in your information, it works…it took me right through to the end where it said I was succesful.
    You could probably type in your idea in English in the box where you have to type it in, but I did mine in French.

  7. stuffedpandapuppet says:

    Ah oui, must do it in french to work, hope they don’t mind that I wrote my beauty secret in english.

  8. Mi says:

    Wow! Fancy mascara!!

  9. Kitty says:


    My beauty secret is that the best way to avoid clumps in your mascara is to use eyeliner instead. I put a clean mascara brush into my eyeliner tube & paint away. Haven’t had a clump since. 🙂

    Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to be winning w/ that one, hrm?

  10. amycanada77 says:

    Yay for french!

    Merci de votre participation et bonne chance!”

  11. vibrantflame says:

    Hmmm does anyone see a way to sign up when you already have an account?

  12. cait says:

    Yup, french worked. I appreciate the fact that I learned french for all those years now! lol just for the freebies!

  13. Shannon says:

    needed a translator but yay!


    Merci de votre participation et bonne chance!

  14. yay I got through on the french page thankfully those years of french class paid off haha so I could understand what was going on. I hope the beauty secret didnt have to do with just mascara because I dont have any mascara beauty secrets 🙁

  15. Isabel says:

    I did the French too :o) We shall now wait and see.

  16. MeMyselfAndI says:

    It’s not the first 500, it says 500 people will win out of all who apply. But still worth a shot! I use this mascara nothing special about it but I would keep using it for free 😀

  17. Radeyah says:

    i got the mascara in the mail today, amazing. I love it!:)

  18. Isabel says:

    I got mine two days ago!

  19. susan says:

    got mines today cant wait to try it


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