Mac Cosmetics and Estee Lauder Canada Warehouse Sale June 3-5th


Ladies…here comes the seasonal warehouse sale for MAC and Estee Lauder.  I’ve seen anxious ladies commenting on an older thread all week, looking for or selling tickets already.  The warehouse sale is at the Markham fairgrounds per usual and runs June 3-5th  2011. We at Smart Canucks do not have tickets but you can buy and sell your via the comment system below.  You can also try Kijiji, but of course make take all safety precautions possible.

Hope to see you there! I’ll be the one with 10 bags full

51 responses to “Mac Cosmetics and Estee Lauder Canada Warehouse Sale June 3-5th”

  1. purplepassion says:

    First one here, woohoo! Anybody willing to donate/sell their ticket to me?

  2. lovelyskies says:

    Is there a public open day?

  3. elle says:

    how much is the ticket? also can we buy tickets at the door?

  4. Kristina says:

    I’d also like to know how much the tickets are.
    & I’d like to buy 2 tickets if anyone is selling them.

  5. ana novia says:

    please email me if you are selling. asap.

  6. Hailey says:

    what types of deals do they have and I am also interested in tickets

  7. Jen says:

    The tickets are not for sale, but there are people that will sell their free tickets to you… I get tickets every year but would not consider taking money for them. If I get any extras this time, I will post here and give them away for free, same price I get them for.

  8. honeybee. says:

    I’ve never gone to this event. How good is it?

  9. amber says:

    looking for ticket for friday .. [email protected]

  10. Lily says:

    i wish you would post stuff like this for other cities

  11. Kim says:

    I would also love a ticket, if anyone has one to spare! [email protected]

  12. Angel says:

    Never been to one before but would love to go! If there are any extra tickets around, please contact me – [email protected]

  13. Kelly says:

    any extra tickets??? would love to go!!

  14. Jen says:

    In answer to “how good is it” – the sale is excellent. They have wonderful fragrances, Mac nail polish, makeup brush sets, cosmetic bags, purses, lip gloss galore… a lot of great deals. They never have the Mac Studio Fix face compacts, though, which are my favourite Mac item.

  15. mandee says:

    looking for tickets! [email protected]

  16. Sarah says:

    Does anyone know if they do this event in other cities?

  17. Vanessa N. says:

    Would love a ticket if someone is selling!

  18. Gina says:

    i’d live to buy this ticket email me [email protected]

  19. Sarah says:

    Looking for tickets pleaseeeeee.
    contact me on [email protected]

  20. Chris says:

    Also looking to buy a ticket! Email me at centurion92 @
    Thanks 🙂

  21. Nicole says:

    Would love tickets if anyone has any to spare! [email protected]

  22. PB says:


    If anyone has tickets they’d like to give away/sell – I’d be happy to take them. Please email at [email protected]. Thanks!

  23. ngshi says:

    Hello pretty,

    If you can kindly spare/sell me a ticket to the warehouse I’ll be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks a million! [email protected]

  24. Keri says:

    I am also looking for tickets.

    How do people get them in the first place, do they have to be in the cosmetics field?

    Thanks for answers and thanks for considering me! 🙂

  25. sara anwar says:

    i would LOVE TO go before i move to bc 🙁 does anyone know from can i get a ticket? my e-mail is [email protected]

  26. Natalie says:

    Hello All,
    My friend works for MAC and she told me that if the employee’s are NOT supposed to sell these tickets for a profit! They could potentially loose their job if someone finds out. Also these tickets ARE FREE!! You should have to pay for them….

  27. kathy says:

    I would work at estee lauder just to get tix ahhaha!
    um but usually you can buy ’em for 20 per ticket, if you’re lucky, 15.. if your luckier, free.
    I have been going to the sale for 8 yrs, the prices have changed, they used to be way cheaper, but they still about 50% cheaper than a department store. so..

  28. Vicky says:

    So, can anyone tell me how to go about getting tickets?

  29. Tara says:

    would lloovvee to go where to find tickets? please email me [email protected] thanks 🙂

  30. Jen says:

    Hi I’m looking for either one ticket on Sunday or two tickets for fri or sat. Thanks!! Email- [email protected]

  31. Mary says:

    Hi! i’m also looking for tickets! willing to buy but if anyone has spares and would be kind enough to give them out, that’d be so awesome! Thanks! please email me at [email protected]

  32. Wendy says:

    Hi! I am interested in getting tickets for either friday or saturday. Thanks! please email [email protected].

  33. Christina says:

    Hello, I would like to buy 2 tickets for Saturday or Sunday. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

  34. Hailey says:

    Anyone have extra tickets [email protected]

  35. Shannon V says:

    PLEASE email me if you have tickets!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! [email protected]

  36. Nancy T says:

    If anyone have any tickets to spare can you please contact me? I would love you so much

  37. Myra says:

    Hi, i am in bad need to update my makeup as i am starting work. Please contact me if someone is selling or giving their tickets away. My email is [email protected]

    Thanks a lot 🙂

  38. aqsa says:

    i have one ticket for sat 4 but my sister wants to go aswell anyone selling plz contact me asap…….my email aqsa [email protected]

  39. iwannadeal says:

    They shouldn’t charge us to get into their sale. They already rip us off by charging more for their Canadian made products than they charge in the US.

  40. SAbrinawu says:

    i would like tickets tooo, email me [email protected]!

  41. Catastrophe says:

    Tickets Available for sale still

    Sat. $35 ea or 2 for $60
    Sun. $30 ea or 2 for $50

    [email protected]

  42. blushpretty says:

    I have a few tickets left for the sale
    2 Fri tickets $25 each
    3 Sat tickets $20 each
    2 Sun tickets $15 each

    [email protected]

  43. Blushpretty says:

    I have the following tickets avail

    2 Fri tickets – $25/each
    3 Sat tickets – $20/each
    2 Sun tickets – $15/each

    [email protected]

  44. candy says:

    I have one sat june 4th ticket for $15.

    pick-up in Mississauga only.

    Please e-mail [email protected]

  45. MellyMel says:

    Is anyone interested in trading tickets? I have 3 for Sunday but can’t make it…I’ll trade my 3 for 2 on Sat??

  46. MellyMel says:

    Email me at [email protected] if you’re interested

  47. Katherine says:

    I have tickets for Sunday. Email me with your offers: [email protected]

    Pick up will be at Yonge + Sheppard

  48. Mindy Vapper says:

    Hey guys. My mom got tickets a few years ago and i went with her. I’ve always wanted to go since then and never knew when or how to get tickets. If anyone knows or can get me 2 tickets it would be greatly appreciated. [email protected] e-mail with details

    Thanks guys


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