Mail-in Rebate: Try World’s Best Cat Litter for FREE!

Is it time you find a new litter for your cat? Well if so, then you’re in luck ’cause right now, there is a mail-in rebate offer for a free 7 or 8lb bag of World’s Best Cat Litter!

Just click here, fill in the form, and download your .pdf rebate form which you have to include with a receipt + upc code of the stated size bag of this litter.

Even though I’ve been having some issues with my Persian peeing outside the litterbox :(, I think I’ll take advantage of this offer anyway as I’ve heard some good things! Although I am a bit weary to switch things up at this point.

(Don’t know when the fitting occasion would be, but this kitty litter cake looks absolutely scrumptious!)

37 responses to “Mail-in Rebate: Try World’s Best Cat Litter for FREE!”

  1. Lana says:

    Anyone know where “worlds best cat litter” can be bought? I’ve never heard of it.

  2. Brenda says:

    I bought mine at Pet Valu, I’ve also seen it at Global Pet Foods. Petsmart may carry it as well

  3. Jane says:

    if your cat is peeing outside the box, there’s a good chance there might be something wrong with it – have you taken it to the vet?
    is it declawed? declawing cats can make it painful for them to use a litterbox.

  4. Lana says:

    Thanks, Brenda!

  5. wendyjane says:

    unnecessary photo

  6. kerry says:

    I’ve seen this Cat litter at Petsmart and its pricey about 17.00,depending on size.I downloaded the form and will try it once,but after that I doubt it,its not affordable enough.I’ve seen offers for free bags of this on TV,but for Americans only,so I’m glad to see we can get a free bag too….

  7. mcminsen says:

    The picture of all those “faux cat turds” is good enough reason to turn the computer off and go out for a nice walk. 😛

  8. thaichips says:

    I agree, mcminsen!


  9. Elle says:

    Is there not another picture that could have been chosen? After this comment, I’m not even going to scroll down to see what other “deals” are posted.

  10. ashokia says:

    Ewwwwwwwwww what is with that picture? That makes me NOT want to try the product!!

  11. kerry says:

    Why do my comments await moderation,and sometimes aren’t posted til the next day.They used to go up instantly a few months back.

  12. Benji says:

    Omg people it is a pic of a CAKE!! Hilarious! People need to lighten up!

  13. tester says:

    cake or no cake that pic is gross lol

  14. Stephania says:

    @Jane – Yup, I’ve taken my cat to the vet…a few times and $$$ later. I’ve tried 1 treatment of Feliway – didn’t work – retraining my kitty by locking her up, sprays, & now I’m on Dr. Elsey’s. Better, but still not 100% back to normal.

    Maybe once my cat is a goodie again, someone can make me that kitty litter cake??

  15. Danifish says:

    My mom made a kitty litter cake for my sisters birthday one year. It was the yummiest cake ever!!! Just need to see the humour!

  16. Rita says:

    well it’s pretty low-brow humour…..

  17. Sallycat says:

    The World’s Best Cat Litter has been the only litter we’ve ever used. It does a great job hiding odours. It’s made out of corn so is biodegradable(can be flushed down the toilet). I agree that it is pricey compared to other litters but it lasts longer. One bag for us is good for a month. Thanks for the link to the coupon.

  18. Shoestring Shopper says:

    I don’t care if the picture is real or not…it makes me gag every time I have to go past it. Makes me gag just ‘talking’ about it! I’m logging off until that pic works it’s way off the page, so to speak.

  19. Candice says:

    SHAME on!!!! When you advertise deals that are going on in the webworld, STOP attaching stupid pics along with them. What absolute FOOL would put that pic of the litter box full of fake poop!? It’s disgusting. Further more you’ve turned off the very people who would normally try this product because of your unprofessional choice of picture. You’re certainly not doing the company any good. And lastly, you see the comments that are coming through and you STILL don’t change the picture. SMART CANUCK??? NOT!!!! GET it together !!!!

  20. Donna says:

    World’s Best Cat Litter is not so great, my cats hate it.

  21. Moe says:

    Hey Stephania, we have a 9mo old Himalayan and she was doing the same, just along the edge, almost like she was jsut missing or standing on the edge. We changed the location but only by a few inches and placed carboard 6-8 inches on the sides & back, also on the front but very low with a little rounded cut lower in the mid front, it stopped Immediately. We removed the carboard after a couple of weeks and all’s good now. There is also litter boxes with walls & a roof if need be.
    Good Luck

  22. hogama says:

    loving the pix of the cake… I burst out laughing when I saw it!

  23. JamJam says:

    Anyone notice the rebate form says for US only?

  24. Amanda says:

    lol I think I just threw up in my mouth a little, that cake looks soooo gross! haha

  25. Guest says:

    Seriously people… do not give the picture any attention. That is what Stephania wants. Be smarter than her.

  26. coupondiva says:

    JamJam August 22nd, 2012 Anyone notice the rebate form says for US only?

    JamJam, if you fill out the online form, it gives you a rebate form that states “This offer is only good in Canada.”.

  27. Leslie says:

    I agree w/Benji, lighten up, bleeding hearts! It’s F-U-N-N-Y!! I want to make this cake! What a hoot!

  28. Funkymunky says:

    wow a picture making people switch off their PC and go for a walk? maybe you have bigger problems than just that

    what is wrong with posters here? where are these idiots crawling out of?

  29. motherjen2010 says:

    It’s one thing to clean up my pet’s poop but I definitely don’t want to eat anything that even remotely resembles it!

  30. Andrea S says:

    That is a cake? That is disgusting. Scrumptious? Um, no. Revolting, stomach turning…that makes me want to vomit just looking at it. Awful. That is just gross.

  31. Mike says:

    If you see something remotely offensive in, it’s from Stephania.

  32. SeriousSally says:

    Mmmmm, I have a sudden craving for Tootsie Rolls….haha.

  33. airguy24 says:

    a cake like that is just trashy.. what a disappointing post

  34. towser says:

    Seriously, I have just scrolled down to check the latest bargains over breakfast and saw this totally unnecessary picture! Keep your cat crap to yourself if you want to keep your readers! Disgusting and certainly not funny.

  35. couponer with an attitude says:

    That ‘cake’ doesn’t look particularly appetizing. I think it is rather effective when a picture can revolt someone enough that they will leave their computer and go outside and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful day. bravo!

  36. Vixenjenny says:

    alright people, shes not hurting anybody and if your feelings or hurt or a simple picture upsets you I suggest you fore go the internet all together, low brow or not I have never heard so many unnecessarily judgemental comments, how do u have time to be upset about something like this, I would think most of us have larger concerns… so lets focus on ourselves instead of being nasty on the internet because we are too scared to act that way in real life… thanks for posting Stephania!

  37. Smarter Cat says:

    what a fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CANADIAN free stuff????????????

    What a CROCK!!!!!!!!!!

    This World’s Best Litter offer IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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