Marineland Canada Deals: BMO Family Days Tickets Only $26.18 Plus Season Passes For $5 With Purchase of Ticket


Marineland Canada has a couple of hot new programs running for this summer, that will not only provide your family with hours of entertainment, but actually save you some money in the end!

The first program that they are bringing back this summer is the BMO Family Days weekend event, where tickets will only be $26.18 for everyone ages 5 and up (children 4 years old and under are always free). Regular priced admittance at Marineland is based on age, but if you were an adult attending the BMO weekend event, which takes place between June 19th-22nd, then you would be saving yourself $18.77 (adult tickets are $44.95).

You will only be permitted to attend one of the BMO Family Days with the purchase of your ticket, and there are a limited number of these tickets available so to guarantee you and your family’s spot, then I’d buy sooner rather than later.


If you’re not a BMO member, you can still gain access to the park at a reduced rate this summer by purchasing tickets for the parks opening day, which is also Family Day. On Saturday, May 16th you will be able to pay for one adult ticket at regular price and take in a maximum of 3 kids ages 5-12 for free (you can take in as many children who are 4 years and younger, as they are always free).

And if you know that you will be returning to Marineland this summer at least once, then it would be most cost efficient to buy a Fun Card Season Pass as it will only cost you an additional $5 with your general admission ticket. Seeing as each individual ticket costs $44.95 for an adult, by purchasing the Fun Card Season Pass, even if you only visit the park once more, you will be saving yourself close to 90% off the regular ticket price.

Marineland also offers free parking and will also allow for you to bring your own cooler, stocked with all the necessities you may need for the day.

Click here to learn more about the tickets and rates at Marineland Canada.

11 responses to “Marineland Canada Deals: BMO Family Days Tickets Only $26.18 Plus Season Passes For $5 With Purchase of Ticket”

  1. Marineland Sucks says:

    Shame on you BMO.

  2. Angelina says:

    No one should visit these parks! Watch Blackfish and you will never go there again!!

  3. monique says:

    Sounds great…will take advantage of this for sure!

  4. Kim Locke says:

    Please do not visit these parks, it is not a fantastic deal. The last orca in captivity lives there alone. #EmptyTheTanks

  5. Laura says:

    Hello, I agree these parks should be banned once and for all !!

  6. Maninder says:

    I want for my family


    as much as it is fun to watch sea animals.. but i agree that putting them in captivity for our entertainment is not right.
    must release them home.. their true home.

    • Colleen Clause says:

      This is very true hearing them cry to be release. I said it is abuse Marineland is doing keeping them in a small area to swim. Come on let them go home where they will swim free and openly. Not close marine land but should not be allow to have any large sea mammals there they are meant to be free in the sea not at marine land. Sorry I JUST feel so so sad when I hear them crying. How would the people feel that works there if they were kept in a small box with not enough room to move as they want. So please send the sea mammals back home in the openly
      in the deep blue sea .

  8. Daniele says:

    You people should go live in Antarctica. I bet you were never taken there as a kid and you probably don’t have kids. LOSERS

  9. Falls says:

    Est ce que cet endroit est à Niagara

  10. Al sultan says:

    Thank you BMO


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