Marks Canada: Free Pair Of Mens Underwear June 9-10th

A freebie just for the men? This may be a first!

Mark’s, is inviting 300,000 Canadian men to try on a new pair of Denver Hayes® with dri-Wear™ underwear next weekend – for free. Mark’s will give the first 300,000 Canadians to visit any Mark’s store across the country on June 9th or 10th a free pair of the new Denver Hayes underwear with chemical-free dri-Wear technology.Mark’s, is inviting 300,000 Canadian men to try on a new pair of Denver Hayes® with dri-Wear™ underwear next weekend – for free. Mark’s will give the first 300,000 Canadians to visit any Mark’s store across the country on June 9th or 10th a free pair of the new Denver Hayes underwear with chemical-free dri-Wear technology.

Interestingly enough my son was already sent a free pair in his latest “The Hockey News” magazine.


10 responses to “Marks Canada: Free Pair Of Mens Underwear June 9-10th”

  1. couponnoob says:

    I spent the longest time trying to figure out what a “paid of men’s underwear” was…

  2. Carol says:

    we also got a pair in the Hockey News … kind of startled us at first because my teenage daughter is the subscriber, so she was like “what the heck?” I got men’s underwear in my magazine!

  3. 1Dfan says:

    hmmm good present for fathers but I feel awkward getting these (I’m a girl), even if they’re free!

  4. Greg says:

    I too already received a pair of these in my latest edition of the “Hockey News” as well. They look comfy but the only problem is I AM NOT A SIZE LARGE!!!!! They should have just included a coupon to take in to the store for a free pair.

  5. 2jk19 says:

    I’m not so sure it is just for men to pick up as it did say men is the post above that marks posted BUT in the other fine print it says the first 300 000 Canadians to the stores, not just “men” or Canadian men…hmmm perhaps I’ll call the store to find out! My fiancé is working Saturday and we are both busy Sunday so I was planning on picking them up for him!

  6. Yersine says:

    I wonder if Quebec has the same promotion since the store is called L’Équipeur here?

  7. rev says:

    I picked up a free pair this morning, got home, opened the package and found a hole in the crotch. cheaply made, poorly sewn, loose threads. Pulled the tag from the waistband and got all kinds of threads pulled out. No wonder they are giving them away.

  8. kerry says:

    I went today and all they had left were the black trunk briefs in xtra large.I am a medium so I either give them away or donate them to a charity.

  9. steven says:

    I just can’t complain about free , they look OK , but won’t pay 15$ for a pair of gotch , wow ! i got 6 @ Walmart for that

  10. Jenn says:

    Why does this remind me of the disastrous promotion where Sears was giving away MIB sunglasses one weekend not too long ago?

    Went to a Mark’s first thing this morning (don’t know what I was expecting), because my husband couldn’t make it yesterday since he had to work. Signs were already posted at their front entrance saying they were out. They probably had more underwear than Sears having the sunglasses, but why do they advertise the promotion running for two days when clearly they don’t have enough supply to last them one day? If so, they should at least have a certain number available for both days.


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