McCain Canada Email Newsletter Coupons: $3 In Saving On Pizza Pockets

There are benefits to being registered for the McCain Canada monthly email newsletter, one of which is monthly mail to home coupons. This month there are not one but TWO coupons that you can request so check your emails!

You will have to claim your coupons through the email link, so if you are not already signed up for the newsletter then you have missed out for this month. Sign up using the link below to avoid missing out on future coupons. If you  did receive the email, you can claim a coupon for $1 off McCain Pizza Pockets Snacks 6pk,and another coupon for $2 off when you buy two McCain Pizza Pockets Snacks 6pk.

Both coupons are valid until January the 30th, 2018, and should arrive a couple of weeks after you request them. The last day to request your coupons through the email link is October the 10th, 2017.

Click here to register for the McCain Canada email newsletter.

One response to “McCain Canada Email Newsletter Coupons: $3 In Saving On Pizza Pockets”

  1. Dirk says:

    link is not working.
    Mccain is aware and will will be fixing it


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