Hopefully you are subscribed to the McCain Canada email newsletter, and have access to the two great coupons that you can order by mail with this edition. If you are subscribed, sign in to your email account to find the latest edition with a link to order not one, but two coupons! You will only have to complete the form once for both coupons, and you will receive the following in a short while, by mail:
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It’s really hard to resist the McCain Deep ‘n Delicious Cake armed with a $1 coupon! You can only order these through your unique email link unfortunately, so make sure you don’t miss out on future offers from McCain. The monthly email newsletter contains a link for a coupon in every edition, and some have even been free product coupons.
good product
Luv McCain product
Good product
Aww, man! I’m trying to wean myself off those McCain Deep ‘n Delicious Cakes!!
*quietly signs up for McCain coupons*