McDonald’s Canada Dollar Drink Days: Any size soft drinks $1

162016_124530147579697_263037_nMcDonald’s Dollar Drink Days are back! From April 19 to September 6th get any sized soft drink for only ONE DOLLAR! This includes the iced coffee! Mmmnnnn.

This was SO handy whenever my kids were spontaneously thirsty in the car… or when I got a crazy craving for an Iced Tea in the hot weather!

Thanks cesme77 for the heads up on this deal.

Happy Sugary Drink Sipping! 🙂


Bumping up because it starts today!

32 responses to “McDonald’s Canada Dollar Drink Days: Any size soft drinks $1”

  1. Yabut says:

    Give us a URL for that please as the only reference I can find for it is for previous years.

  2. couponfreak says:

    I overheard the manager here in Medicine Hat talking about this it does start next week he was concerned about it as Mcdonalds are all going to self serve drink stations (he was putting his in this week) and the 1.00 drinks start next week.(going to take a lot of 1.00 drinks to pay for the reno)

  3. dandelion says:

    I too like this promo…Its handy for the summer months on the way back from the beach!

  4. Emily says:

    Its also for ice coffee

  5. Lindy says:

    Is it really for ice coffee in Ontario as well? Now that is a deal. $1.00 for the soft drinks are great but ice coffee that’s really great!

  6. sally says:

    yabut, our bloggers generally only post valid info. There isn’t a link yet.

  7. Emily says:

    Yeah lindy it is at least here in toronto it is

  8. mia says:

    Awesome!!!I love that promotion!!!
    The iced coffee is delicious!!!:)

  9. Lori says:

    It’s $2.70 for a large pop here when it’s not $1.00. Is that the same for you guys?

  10. Sheri says:

    Love it! I so take advantage of this when they run this promo!!

  11. Natalka says:

    Glad this is back as long as they count iced tea as ‘soft drinks’.

    However, I would probably be there MORE if they would PLEASE bring back the orange drink! 🙂

  12. janwaree says:

    this is great since Tim Hortons are increasing their rates! 🙂 good job mcdonalds!

  13. Amy says:

    Wow, don’t recall them ever starting this promotion so early before, as the last two summers it began around June, if I recall. But this is great 🙂

    McDonalds keeps winning me over little by little.

    Credit where credit is due – in a time where everyone seems to be raising prices (some are justified – some not), McDonalds is a prime example of a business not intent on simply jumping on the bandwagon.

  14. bhlombardy says:

    Amy… I beg to differ…

    All their keynote sandwich prices increased about 20c-30c, about a month or so ago…

  15. bhlombardy says:

    …and when fountain drinks are literally PENNIES a glass, $1 is a fair profit just the same — but I agree I go for the $1 drinks, in a hurry.

    (PS people: Do your math before you order an EVM. In most cases, when drinks are $1, it’s typically cheaper to order the parts seperately. Noticed this last year with several combo prices)

  16. Eric says:

    Our local McD’s have had the self-serve stations for a while. Anytime we dined in, I never got the large (since refills were free). However, since the McD’s is between our grocery store and home (walking), the $1 drinks are excellent for the walk – especially when I’m needing a caffeine fix.

  17. Nicole says:

    $1 for Iced Coffee too? Oh gosh, there goes my ‘diet’. I like their iced coffees.

  18. Stephania says:

    Great deal since the iced coffees are included!

  19. Janetta says:

    Yay, iced coffees!!!

  20. Dinglehopper says:

    I saw the commercial on TV tonight. 🙂

  21. mrsamyweber says:

    I heard it was only the small iced coffees that are $1, but I could be wrong.

  22. Annatree says:

    buy a large carmel ice coffee for $1 yesterday, this will be my summer drink.

  23. Sandra5 says:

    McDonalds offers a sugar-free vanilla, but apparently it’s available in the states only.

    Does anybody know if you can order their iced coffee black, no sugar added, or just with milk, no cream? This would make it a diet drink.

  24. Cedric says:

    It would be great if the deal is for any size ice coffee!! I would be in coffee heaven! —

  25. save-a-lot says:

    It is for any size or flavor of Iced Coffee. I got one for me and one for hubby yesterday. The manager said the promo is running for 100 days of sumer. Yuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmyyyyyyy

  26. Mickeymouselam says:

    @ Sandra5
    I have orderd my iced coffee before with milk and splenda. I Dont think they care as long as you tell them when your ordering. Also the sign in the stores in Hamilton say that lg is included in both iced coffee and pop.

  27. Hulton says:

    Really? A whole thread on $1 drinks? Who gives a fcuk if McD’s is between your house or the grocery store, or what size you order when dinning in. Get a life, if $1 drinks is the most exciting part of your day, get yourself a sex toy. Losssssssssssers!

  28. brandon says:

    Hey hulton maybe u should get a life, your the one on the website reading through all them lmfao, stupid goof

  29. Jason says:

    Apparently the $1 All Summer for a drink only went to July 4th. I stopped at My local McDonalds yesterday and ordered a coffee and was told that the deal ended on the 4th. Guess it was too popular.

  30. Jordan says:

    Well your mcdonalds is lying to you jason its good till september 6th. They’re just being cheapasses, be sure to complain as it only costs about 25 cents to fill a supersize cup up at cost!

  31. ricardo says:

    sept 6th the 2 by my house says no – guess they ended sept 5th – hate that

  32. Lisa says:

    I paid full price for a lg ice coffee today BOOOO


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