McDonald’s Canada 2009 Calendars have Loads of Freebies, Savings & Coupons

McD Canada

I’m not sure if the 2009 Calendar is still on sale at McDonald’s Canada but if it is then it’s worth buying because it’s loaded with coupons! Thanks tammysyb for the ingo!

I just bought a couple calendars at Mcdonalds in London, Ontario–they cost $3.01 with the taxes and have $25.00 + in coupons inside. The coupons are good for the Southwestern Ontario locations (listed on the front of the calendar). Nothing says you can’t use two coupons at once, so you can buy multiples. The proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House, so it’s a great deal and a great charity! I imagine other parts of Canada have these too?

It includes the following freebie coupons:

  • Dec 08 med fries
  • Jan 09 baked apple pie
  • Feb 09 hamburger
  • Mar 09 junior chicken
  • Apr 09 hot cakes
  • May 09 med fries and med drink with purchase of reg priced big mac
  • (this is the only month where you have to buy to get the freebie)
  • June 09 sundae
  • July 09 sausage mcmuffin
  • Aug 09 cone
  • Sept 09 hashbrown
  • Oct 09 apple slice with caramel dip
  • Nov 09 small hot chocolate
  • Dec 09 cheeseburger
  • Jan-Mar 09 baked muffin
  • Apr-June 09 hamburger
  • July-Sept 09 small iced coffee
  • Oct-Dec 09 medium drink

I got a couple to get my kids treats while they put up with my deal-searching at Walmart! LOL!

12 responses to “McDonald’s Canada 2009 Calendars have Loads of Freebies, Savings & Coupons”

  1. Butt3rCooki3 says:

    I havent seen them here in GTA, perhaps ever..
    if these are valid here in the city would anyone like to trade me a set for $5 walmart GC? (when I receive the gcs from glade of course)
    pm me~

  2. Jerry Hung says:

    I shall visit my McDonald in Waterloo and inquire

  3. little says:

    Does anybody know if this “freebie” calendar is available in BC’s McDonalds?

  4. kingy says:

    i have been going to mcdonalds pretty much all my life and i have NEVER heard of their calendars. i know the smiles are free tho 🙂

  5. freebiechick says:

    Will try to remember to ask about them next time i’m there. How much are they each???

  6. silsan says:

    I just went to McDonald last week, during shopping with my family, the one that is located inside of Walmart on St. Catharines and the hamburguers were very very thin almost ridiculous, I was very dissapointed and I was always a big fan of Mc Donalds, I hope they improve if not I’ll have to switch favourite fast food rest 🙁

  7. donna says:

    Is the calendar available in alberta?

  8. Roxy says:

    Is this another one of those things that are not really adverstised, like the Halloween freebies (which were fantastic!)? I had no idea they had a calendar.

    I just took another look at these….we don’t go often and as such, the breakfast stuff would never be used by us. For me, it won’t be worth the $3.01.

    Hope everyone else enjoys it!

  9. annie76 says:

    No promos available here in Quebec…

  10. PierreDude01 says:

    Just migrated here in Ottawa. Good thing I read this before eating at McDonalds. If you want real savings… try getting Canada phone numbers for free using your phone… I think it’s only till Jan 31, tried it myself! Visit ASK411.COM for the info… see yah!

  11. filza says:

    some body told me yesterday that macdonald and starbucks are donating their next 2 weeks profit to Israel so that they can more bomb,more kill women and children in Gaza now a days.plz dont visit them in next 2 weeks.

  12. That’s a really good deal. Can you tell me where else these Calendars are available, and if they can be got from McDonald’s outside UK?


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