McDonald’s Canada Announces Sauces Are Coming To Canadian Grocery Stores


Have you ever tried to recreate the fabled Big Mac sauce from McDonald’s Canada? I know I have. And it seems no matter how many times you add or subtract a little bit of vinegar here, a 1/4 tsp. of BBQ sauce there, you can never seem to get it just right. There’s always something that’s just off the mark. Well, soon your McDonald’s sauce craving heart will want no more, as McDonald’s Canada announced yesterday that they’re sauces, including Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish and McChicken, are going to be made available in grocery stores, and very soon.

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The announcement came on their Twitter and Instagram, where the company gave no firm date but said to expect the sauces to be on your shelves by “this spring”.

Have you ever tried to make McDonald’s ‘secret sauces’ and will you be lining up to grab these goodies off the shelves when they launch in your local grocery store?

5 responses to “McDonald’s Canada Announces Sauces Are Coming To Canadian Grocery Stores”

  1. Natalka says:

    Whenever I go to McD’s I just always ask for packets of McChicken sauce and they give them free – so that’s enough for me to use at other times.
    As for Big Mac sauce – I just want it when I have a burger from there (when coupons are out!)

    • Katherine says:

      You’re lucky, they’re supposed to charge for them. I remember when I worked there in high school they were free but too many people were abusing it and asking for 10 packets for their 1 burger.

  2. Christopher says:

    I bet it’s loaded with sodium.

  3. Jake says:

    Dude, Big Mac sauce is just Thousand Island salad dressing. Wake me up when McDs starts selling bottle sof their Hot Mustard McNugget sauce.

  4. Jake says:

    Also, has no one ever heard of “Tartar Sauce”? That’s what the Filet-O-Fish sauce is. And “McChicken Sauce” is just good old fashioned mayonnaise.


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