I came across a McDonalds Canada Monopoly trading section on the forum and thought it would be a good idea to have one on the blog as well since many of us play this game! If you have an extra of some pieces and are looking for other pieces please leave a comment. This way we can all more easily collect the pieces we are looking for 😉
I think the best way to have people reach you is by leaving your email and saying which pieces you are trading or looking for in the comments. Once the McDonalds Canada Monopoly event is over I will go through all the comments and delete out the emails.
I find this trading silly (but I did post in there, didn’t update recently tho)… UNLESS you have one of the rare peices.. either to trade or get the other peices that go with it. Bazillion states ave, reading railraod, etc… but only a tiny handful of boardwalk, b&0 railroad… etc… I have 3 full boards, plus extras… just without the rare pieces… otherwise, I’d have some prizes! LOL
The free food is definetly a bonus tho! yay! 🙂
Doesn’t this end later this month?!
What are the rare pieces?
Boardwalk, Pennsylvania Ave, Ventor Ave, Kentucky Ave, Tennessee Ave, Virginia Ave, Vermont Ave, Short Line railroad (not B&O as I mentioned before), Mediterranean Ave.
I thought it ended today?
Ends Nov 16. Free food peices are good until Nov 23.
I have been playing this game for years, and have never won any money. Sure I win food, but after a month of eating that junk, a another hamburger that is free suddenly isn’t such a great prize
online $1million giveaway ends today…online game ends Nov. 16
I have 3 out of the 4 Rail road’s and I don’t remember which one I need! I’ll post on here later tonight when I get home..
My game board says Nov 2nd?
I don’t understand this trading of game pieces. If someone has the rare piece needed to win why would they trade it away? All they have to do is collect the remaining pieces which are easier to get as there are so many out there. I’ve played this game for years and have always ended up with a full board and only needing one from each set.
I don’t know if any one is experiencing this, but I can’t even log in to my gameboard and I was just in their entering codes yesterday. It says e-mail not on records… Stupid McDonalds!!
Iooking for Mediterranean Ave and Pensylvania Ave-Tessee Ave
I have extra if some is using the board game-
on the back of the game board it states online game ends november 16, 2009 at 11:59:59pm ET… i haven’t won anything yet for food…but my sister enters them all…I figure we splitting it if we win anything anyway…but besides the fact she enters in all the codes even if we already have them all most of them we just need one of…like Boardwalk or Virginia ave..yadda yadda…I best be getting to Mcdonalds and extra sizing meals I only like the burger for…I know I am weird…
i am Canada can’t we play i try to put my zip code in and it won’t let me inter the code what’s up with that i need boardwalk mediterranian ave
Ann your and idiot. Go to the Canadian McDonald’s website not the American one.
Monopoly brings back fond memories of my child hood! I play on the pc every now and again, and I have the iPhone application. Bascially i’m just a monopoly addict! Nice post though thanks!
Hi I read your page , I really enjoyed it I am interested in reading more. thank you.
I need vermont,mediterrean,boardwalk,pennsylvania,or short line,thanks.
I know it’s 2015. Is anyone playing the McDonald’s 2015 Monopoly game? I’m looking for Vancouver Airport, Tunnels of Moose Jaw and Yonge Street. I have lots of pieces to trade as well.
Everyone’s looking for those. They’re the hard to find pieces.