McDonald’s K-Cups now available at Walmart Canada

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McDonald’s Canada is now available in the comfort of your home in the convenient formats of McCafe K-Cups and T-Discs. These K-Cups are not usable on the Keurig 2.0, but all other K-Cup brewers and Tassimo systems can use them. You can pick up your Premium Roast McCafe Coffee in store at Walmart Canada for $9.99 for a 12 pack of K-Cups, making each individual cup cost under $1!

Click here to  purchase McCafe K-Cups at Walmart Canada to.

4 responses to “McDonald’s K-Cups now available at Walmart Canada”

  1. king says:

    Superstore is also selling them, same price give or take a penny.

  2. Shannon says:

    I saw it at Food Basics today as well.

  3. Lara Brooks says:

    McDonalds locations in Ontario are giving away $1.00 off coupons that are valid until Nov 7th if you are interested in trying it.

  4. Deb says:

    I just bought the new Keurig 2.0 and now I found after I took it out and set it up that it can’t take my favourite coffee McDonald’s. NOT happy at all.


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