Metro Ontario: Oasis Health Break Juice $1.99 Or Less After Coupon +20 Bonus Air Miles When You Buy Three

From March the 12th to the 18th, Metro Ontario has Oasis Health Break juice on sale for $2.99, a savings of $2 off their regular price.

As I mentioned just the other day, Oasis Canada is currently running a “Give Your Health A Break” contest, which gives everyone who enters the opportunity to get a coupon for Oasis Health Break juice. The coupons vary in amounts from $1 to $2.50, so depending which coupon you receive, you could pay very little for the juice this week. The contest can be found by clicking the link below, however, it is currently down. Hopefully it is up and running again soon if you haven’t yet gotten your coupon.

There is also a bonus of 20 Air Miles when you buy three of the juice this week at Metro. This is a value of about $2, so a great deal combined with coupons and the sale price.

Click here to view this offer in the Metro Ontario flyer.

Click here for the Oasis contest and coupon.

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