Here are the Metro Canada Quebec grocery new printable coupons for this weeks! These coupons are valid until Wednesday, April 30, 2014:
- Save $2 When you buy Coors Light, Molson Export and Molson Canadian beer
- Save $1 When you buy St-Hubert seasoning
- Save $1 When you buy iögo Nano or iögo Zip yogurt
- Save $1 When you buy 2 Quaker instant oatmeal
- Save $1.50 When you buy Black Diamond cheese
- Save $2 When you buy Oasis refrigerated juice
- Save $1 When you buy Selection Fruity Icy Pops
- Save $0.50 When you buy Paysan Naturel Ham and Paysan Naturel creton
Click here to print your Metro Ontario coupons