This weekend, Michaels Canada has fabulous deals for you. You can save up to 70% off when you shop clearance, for a limited time only, while quantities last. Save 30% off on your regular price item using the promo code 30012921 at checkout until Jan 27th, 2022. Save up to 50% off when you shop sale, for a limited time only, while quantities last.
This 44 Piece Clear Case Drawing Set by Artist’s Loft™ Necessities™ is on sale for only $11.99. You’re saving $28.00 from the original price of $39.99! This drawing set is guaranteed to bring your artistic creations to life. It contains a variety of tools needed for completing beautiful works of art.
Michaels Canada offers $14.99 same day delivery on all orders.
Click here to start shopping at Michaels Canada.