Save up to 70% on 100s of styles!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Oh Modcloth, how I love thee… I mean I really, really do. You’re so quirky and fab… and now you have 100s of items for 70% off? Oh my day is made!

As for the rest of you 😉 check out the sale today. If you’ve never visited then maybe it’s time to be wowed by all the kitschy, indie, vintage-inspired items. I could spend hours browsing their fabulous dresses, funky shoes, chic accessories and don’t even get me started on the house items because I just don’t have the time!

Click here to view ALL sale items

5 responses to “ Save up to 70% on 100s of styles!”

  1. Jen says:

    Shipping is super expensive 🙁 Over $46 for a $16 dollar dress. Very disappointing

  2. honeydoo says:

    where to?! i’ve paid 20$ shipping for a LARGE order to GTA. hope they didn’t raise it! 🙁

  3. itsjustmebub says:

    @ Jen that doesn’t sound right at all it shouldn’t be that expensive based on previous orders

  4. Dress Obsessed says:

    OMG, there goes my paycheque!

  5. Jen says:

    To BC, for one dress it was $46, and that was all that was offered


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