We have a sneak peek of the upcoming More Rewards coupons valid February 6-13
- Save $1 when you buy Western Family garbage bags 20s-100s valid at Save on Foods, Overwaitea Foods, Coopers Foods, and PriceSmart Foods February 6-12
- 500 More Rewards when you fill a prescription at any Save on Foods pharmacy by February 19th
Shopping this week? There are two coupons available for purchases through February 5th
- Save $1 when you buy Western Family garbage bags 20s-100s valid at Save on Foods, Overwaitea Foods, Coopers Foods, and PriceSmart Foods until February 5
- Save $5 when you buy Enfagrow Infant Formula (vanilla or milk flavour) valid at Save on Foods, Overwaitea Foods, Coopers Foods, and PriceSmart Foods until February 5
Plus, spend $38 or more in a single transaction using your More Rewards card to enter a contest for 88 prizes of PriceSmart gift cards f up to $1100 at select stores (check with customer service)